Power supplies & batteries - Expert commentary

Comprehensive K12 security
Comprehensive K12 security

For K12 education pioneers, embarking on a journey to upgrade security controls can present a myriad of questions about finding the best-fit solutions and overcoming funding hurdle...

Optimising modular security solutions
Optimising modular security solutions

Changing customer needs can make specifying an alarm system that will continue to deliver in the long term a challenge. However, the latest modular alarm solutions provide the oppo...

How mobile technology is redefining duty of care in organisations by Mark Niblett
How mobile technology is redefining duty of care in organisations by Mark Niblett

When a bomb detonated in the Port of Beirut, I had hundreds of employees under my care inside the blast zone. Within just two hours, I was able to determine who was impacted, under...

Latest Axis Communications news

What are the unique challenges of the government market for security?
What are the unique challenges of the government market for security?

{##Poll1719556378 - Which is the most challenging obstacle to entering the government market?##} Factors such as stable demand and large contracts make the government market parti...

Women in security: Highlights from Security LeadHER 2024
Women in security: Highlights from Security LeadHER 2024

ASIS International and the Security Industry Association (SIA) have closed out a successful second annual Security LeadHER conference, a unique event dedicated to advancing, c...

What are the benefits, and drawbacks, of AI in security?
What are the benefits, and drawbacks, of AI in security?

Suddenly, artificial intelligence (AI) is everywhere. The smart technology brings a range of benefits to our lives, from streamlining everyday tasks to making scientific breakthrou...