IP cameras - Expert commentary

Nedap adapts to change: The dynamic nature of retail crime
Nedap adapts to change: The dynamic nature of retail crime

With the rise of organised retail crime (ORC) making headlines, retailers are grappling with the dual challenge of safeguarding both their staff and store assets, while addressing...

How security gets real with remote monitoring
How security gets real with remote monitoring

The average business owner or investor has some kind of security precaution in place, especially in the after-hours when there are fewer deterrents to inhibit criminal activity....

Reinventing security integrators to weather macroeconomic headwinds
Reinventing security integrators to weather macroeconomic headwinds

We work with and buy from “middlemen” all the time, yet the term remains loaded with negative connotations. It’s telling that the term remains gendered, no one ha...

Latest Axis Communications news

What are the unique challenges of the government market for security?
What are the unique challenges of the government market for security?

{##Poll1719556378 - Which is the most challenging obstacle to entering the government market?##} Factors such as stable demand and large contracts make the government market parti...

Women in security: Highlights from Security LeadHER 2024
Women in security: Highlights from Security LeadHER 2024

ASIS International and the Security Industry Association (SIA) have closed out a successful second annual Security LeadHER conference, a unique event dedicated to advancing, c...

What are the benefits, and drawbacks, of AI in security?
What are the benefits, and drawbacks, of AI in security?

Suddenly, artificial intelligence (AI) is everywhere. The smart technology brings a range of benefits to our lives, from streamlining everyday tasks to making scientific breakthrou...

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