Dome cameras - Expert commentary

A beginner’s guide to smart home security
A beginner’s guide to smart home security

Residential burglaries and break-ins are a problem for many homeowners. The FBI estimates there were approximately 1,117,696 burglaries in 2019 in the United States, which accounte...

Darryl vs. the Drone: The evolution of security
Darryl vs. the Drone: The evolution of security

There’s a new security paradigm emerging across malls, server farms, smart office buildings, and warehouses, and its advantage over the status quo are so broad they are impos...

Innovative security: The key to business efficiency, cost savings and more
Innovative security: The key to business efficiency, cost savings and more

Organisations have shifted business focus countless times since the onset of the pandemic. While many leaders have been primarily concerned with the immediate health and safety of...

Latest Axis Communications news

What are the unique challenges of the government market for security?
What are the unique challenges of the government market for security?

{##Poll1719556378 - Which is the most challenging obstacle to entering the government market?##} Factors such as stable demand and large contracts make the government market parti...

Women in security: Highlights from Security LeadHER 2024
Women in security: Highlights from Security LeadHER 2024

ASIS International and the Security Industry Association (SIA) have closed out a successful second annual Security LeadHER conference, a unique event dedicated to advancing, c...

What are the benefits, and drawbacks, of AI in security?
What are the benefits, and drawbacks, of AI in security?

Suddenly, artificial intelligence (AI) is everywhere. The smart technology brings a range of benefits to our lives, from streamlining everyday tasks to making scientific breakthrou...

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