Access control software - Expert commentary

Nedap adapts to change: The dynamic nature of retail crime
Nedap adapts to change: The dynamic nature of retail crime

With the rise of organised retail crime (ORC) making headlines, retailers are grappling with the dual challenge of safeguarding both their staff and store assets, while addressing...

How a push for efficiency can be a boon for security integrators in 2024
How a push for efficiency can be a boon for security integrators in 2024

As we head into a new year, it’s fair to say that it isn’t easy out there for the security integrator community. That’s understandable given the big ruptures felt...

Shaping the future with interconnected door hardware
Shaping the future with interconnected door hardware

The adoption of innovative and interconnected door hardware systems can help overcome the challenges associated with building security, explains Daniel May of Consort Architectural...

Latest Suprema news

Suprema receives international cloud security and data protection certification
Suprema receives international cloud security and data protection certification

Suprema, a global pioneer of AI-based security solutions, has acquired the international standard cloud security system certification ‘CSA STAR (Security, Trust, Assurance, R...

Suprema aims to enhance market presence in North America with innovative services and strategies at ISC West
Suprema aims to enhance market presence in North America with innovative services and strategies at ISC West

Suprema, a global pioneer of AI-based security solutions, has announced its participation in ISC West 2024, the largest security trade show in the United States, scheduled to take...

Suprema’s BioSign Fingerprint Recognition Algorithm embedded in the Samsung Galaxy S24 Series
Suprema’s BioSign Fingerprint Recognition Algorithm embedded in the Samsung Galaxy S24 Series

Suprema, a global pioneer in AI-based security solutions, has announced the supply of the latest version of the under-display ultrasonic fingerprint recognition algorithm, BioSign,...

Related white papers

Access and security in the age of hybrid working

Cybersecurity in keyless access management

The critical role of access control in K-12 school security