Access control system accessories - Expert commentary

Elevators - 14 considerations for RFID Reader selection
Elevators - 14 considerations for RFID Reader selection

RFID and emerging mobile access technologies are easy to implement and allow elevator access to be integrated with other access control solutions throughout the building, from buil...

2022 security trends: Choice & flexibility a must-have for multifamily residents
2022 security trends: Choice & flexibility a must-have for multifamily residents

As we navigate the new normal, the power of choice and flexibility continues to take centre stage. We’ve grown accustomed to the choice to work from home or virtually anywher...

The automated future of retail and how to secure it
The automated future of retail and how to secure it

While the foundation of autonomous retail has been built up over the past few years, it is only now that retailers are beginning to fully experiment with the technology. There were...

Latest Suprema news

Suprema receives international cloud security and data protection certification
Suprema receives international cloud security and data protection certification

Suprema, a global pioneer of AI-based security solutions, has acquired the international standard cloud security system certification ‘CSA STAR (Security, Trust, Assurance, R...

Suprema aims to enhance market presence in North America with innovative services and strategies at ISC West
Suprema aims to enhance market presence in North America with innovative services and strategies at ISC West

Suprema, a global pioneer of AI-based security solutions, has announced its participation in ISC West 2024, the largest security trade show in the United States, scheduled to take...

Suprema’s BioSign Fingerprint Recognition Algorithm embedded in the Samsung Galaxy S24 Series
Suprema’s BioSign Fingerprint Recognition Algorithm embedded in the Samsung Galaxy S24 Series

Suprema, a global pioneer in AI-based security solutions, has announced the supply of the latest version of the under-display ultrasonic fingerprint recognition algorithm, BioSign,...

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Three essential reasons to upgrade your access control technology in 2022

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Protecting dormitory residents and assets