IP security solutions - Round table discussions

What are the unique challenges of the government market for security?

Factors such as stable demand and large contracts make the government market particularly enticing for security companies and professionals. However, entering and thriving in the government market presents a number of challenges. We asked this week's Expert Panel Roundtable: What are the unique aspects of the government market, and how should the industry adapt?

The impact of the cloud on physical security: Net-positive or net-negative?

Migrating to the Cloud can be a cultural shift for some organisations, especially when it comes to physical security systems. Challenges such as concerns about data security and compliance, cost management, and a skills gap can make adopting the Cloud seem onerous. But the benefits are there, aren't they? We asked this week's Expert Panel Roundtable: Will the impact of the Cloud on physical security integrators be net-positive or net-negative?

Has convergence been achieved in security? Why or why not?

In today's interconnected world, the lines between physical and digital security are blurring. This means that threats can easily exploit vulnerabilities in both realms, potentially causing significant damage. That's why the convergence of cyber- and physical security systems is becoming increasingly important. It has already been a topic of discussion in the security market for more than a decade. To get a reality check, we asked this week’s Expert Panel Roundtable: Has convergence been a...

What will be the big news at ISC West 2024?

There is a bright outlook for trade shows in 2024. In particular, ISC West has recently become the must-see event in the security marketplace. ISC West will take place April 9-12 at the Venetian Expo in Las Vegas. In addition to providing access to a wide range of technological innovations, the show also serves as a platform to introduce new products and services. As the industry counts down to the big exhibition, we asked this week’s Expert Panel Roundtable: What will be the big news...

Which standards have had the greatest positive impact on physical security?

In the complex world of physical security systems, standards can enable disparate systems to be combined to function together as a cohesive whole. Standards help to ensure that all the “pieces” fit together to create a clear, unified picture. More broadly speaking, standards also play a role in ensuring best practices are deployed in a range of security-related situations. We asked this week’s Expert Panel Roundtable: Which standards have had the greatest positive impact...

What is the continuing role of the VMS in an age of VSaaS?

Cloud implementations enable organisations to slash IT costs, boost performance, increase efficiency, and provide flexibility in a variety of applications. Cloud computing is a great way to store and access data from anywhere in the world, as long as you have an internet connection. In the case of video management, Video Surveillance as a Service (VSaaS) systems are becoming more popular, both as a means of managing costs and to deliver expectations of accessing video from any device anywhere in...

The job of security director is expanding: How does it impact technology?

An organisation’s security director manages a staff of security personnel, implements and enforces security policies and procedures, and generally ensures the safety of personnel and visitors to the organisation’s premises. Over the years, the role of security director has expanded to include new disciplines such as cybersecurity. More and more, security directors are also taking a “seat at the table” as integral and critical members of a company’s management team....

How can security technologies protect lone workers?

There is safety in numbers, or so the expression goes. Generally speaking, several employees working together tend to be safer than a single employee working alone. Even so, some environments require that workers complete their jobs alone, thus presenting a unique combination of security vulnerabilities. The U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) defines a lone worker as “an employee working alone, such as in a confined space or isolated location.” We asked this we...

What’s new with Licence Plate Recognition (LPR) and/or Automated Number-Plate Recognition (ANPR) systems?

In the United States, they are called licence plate recognition (LPR) systems. In Europe, the more common term is automated licence number-plate recognition (ANPR). In either case, the systems provide capabilities that can benefit a range of applications from schools to municipalities to parking lots. Newer technologies can even identify vehicle colour, type, make and model. We asked this week’s Expert Panel Roundtable: What's new with licence plate recognition (LPR) and/or automated numbe...

Are schools safer because of physical security systems?

Headlines of violence in our schools are a reminder of the need to keep educational institutions safe. In fact, if there is a positive aspect to the constant bombardment of headlines, it is that it keeps our attention perpetually focused on how to improve school security. But what is the role of physical security systems? As the new school year begins, we asked this week’s Expert Panel Roundtable: Are schools safer because of physical security systems? Why or why not? 

What missing skills among security integrators can cause problems?

As physical security technologies become more complex, it is incumbent on the dealer/integrator to have the skills and expertise needed to ensure that a system operates smoothly. The value of integrators increasingly rests on the skill sets they bring to bear when installing a system. If the skills are missing, there is a problem. We asked this week’s Expert Panel Roundtable: What missing skills among security integrators can cause problems for customers? 

What’s new in smart homes and residential security systems?

Driving the smart homes market is the convenience of simple technology solutions. Almost every home now has a “smart speaker” that makes it easier than ever for homeowners to interface and control their technology. But where does security fit into the new landscape of smart home systems? We asked this week’s Expert Panel Roundtable: What’s new in smart homes and residential security systems?

How can security systems be more proactive?

Historically, the emphasis of security systems has been on reactivity, whether it’s providing video evidence of an incident or data to support a resulting investigation. Reactivity is core to impactful security, but increasingly, systems are also seeking to be more proactive. A proactive system seeks to prevent events from happening in the first place, thus mitigating the harm to an organisation, and making the need for a reactive response moot. We asked this week’s Expert Panel Roun...

How is the role of the security installer/integrator changing?

The role of the integrator/installer in the physical security marketplace is shifting as technologies evolve and applications expand. Integrators are being faced with a need to augment their expertise both in a wider range of systems and deeper into the specifics of each increasingly complex technology. At the end of the day, it falls to the integrator/installer to ensure a system performs as promised, however much a consultant or even a manufacturer might be involved in the process. We asked th...

How the Internet of Things (IoT) is increasing security effectiveness

Deployed across a wide range of devices, the Internet of Things (IoT) collects data to help business owners make decisions on a macro scale as well as at a granular level. The IoT is a network of physical devices embedded with sensors, software, and network connectivity that allows them to collect and share data. We called on this week's Expert Panel Roundtable to comment on the intersection of the IoT and physical security. We asked: How is the Internet of Things (IoT) increasing the effectiven...

Is analogue dead, or how is it viable in today’s security systems?

Analogue video cameras are still used in a variety of applications, primarily because yesterday’s robust and flexible technology is still functioning today, although it has been years, or even decades, since the initial installation. In many cases, this past generation of security cameras is still reliable and effective.  Embracing an installed base of analogue cameras is often the most cost-effective approach when updating or expanding a surveillance system. But what about the futur...

What are the benefits of integrating security with building management?

Sharing data between security and building management devices can provide a route to maximise building usage and minimise costs. In today's Internet of Things (IoT) environment, tying together a variety of systems is easier than ever. For an update, we asked this week's Expert Panel Roundtable: What are the benefits of integrating security technology with building management systems (BMS)?

How is AI changing the course of the security marketplace?

According to a report by the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO), artificial intelligence (AI) is expected to transform all sectors of society, including national security. The physical security marketplace is certainly feeling the impact of the new technology, which has quickly gained prominence as one of the industry’s most popular buzzwords. To assess the more practical aspects of the situation, we asked this week’s Expert Panel Roundtable: How is artificial intelligence (...

What’s new in cybersecurity for physical security systems?

A sad irony in the physical security industry has been the lax attention paid historically to the cybersecurity elements of our industry’s systems. However, the picture has improved starkly in recent years as manufacturers have stepped up to meet the cybersecurity challenges and awareness of the issue has become much higher. We asked this week’s Expert Panel Roundtable: What's new in cybersecurity for physical security systems?

Does a security manufacturer need a direct relationship with an end user?

Integrators and installers are on the front line of creating most security systems. They are also usually the first point of contact if there is a problem with the system. In general practice, many end users deal with integrators and seldom if ever speak to the manufacturer. Should it be that way? We asked this week’s Expert Panel Roundtable: Why does a manufacturer need a direct relationship with an end user?

What safeguards are in place to avoid unauthorised access to video?

Protecting video involves many of the same strategies and protocols as those used to protect any other type of data. In the world of IP cameras and systems, video can be transmitted anywhere in the world to anyone who needs to see it. But what about access by outsiders who are not authorised to view the video? Or what if heaven forbid, the video is accessed by an unauthorised user who later posts it to YouTube? We asked this week’s Expert Panel Roundtable: What safeguards are in place...

What are the major pain points when installing a security system?

Every security system is unique, of course. Specific to each installation are the problems the customer and the integrator may experience along their journey. However, given the installation of hundreds of physical security systems, there are commonalities that occur. We asked this week’s Expert Panel Roundtable: What are the major pain points when installing a physical security system?

What are the latest technology trends in biometrics?

Biometrics is both a mature technology in the physical security world and an innovation perpetually on the cutting edge. Biometric technologies received a boost during the COVID pandemic when “touchless” became a buzzword with particular relevancy to the world of biometrics. Higher security needs, such as “two-factor authentication,” are also driving demand for biometric products. We asked this week’s Expert Panel Roundtable: What are the latest technology trends in...

What big announcements can we expect at ISC West 2023?

The upcoming ISC West trade show in Las Vegas will offer innumerable networking and learning opportunities for attendees. Manufacturers will take the opportunity to promote their businesses and showcase products and services to a targeted audience. Best of all, the event will be "in person," an advantage we should never again take for granted. We asked this week's Expert Panel Roundtable: What big announcements do you expect at ISC West 2023?

What changes had the biggest impact on security in 2022?

With 2023 well underway, it’s a good time to look back on what we learned in the tumultuous previous year. In the security marketplace, there was no shortage of technology developments and a few challenges that kept 2022 interesting, to say the least. But what can we learn from the past? We asked this week’s Expert Panel Roundtable: What changes had the biggest impact on the security marketplace in 2022?

Which new security trend will run its course and disappear?

Some trends in the security marketplace continue for several years, while others come and go quickly and are soon forgotten. Scrutinising a trend’s expected lifespan can help predict its impact on the marketplace. Trends that evaporate seemingly overnight are not useful for the greater good, and they can also distract customers from more enduring subjects. Unfortunately, sometimes hype is just hype. We asked this week’s Expert Panel Roundtable: Which new security trend do you think w...

What are the new developments in networking and connectivity for security?

Connectivity is literally the difference between products operating individually and those combined into a more powerful system. Many of the devices that connect today’s security products reflect mature technologies that have been proven over time. However, innovation is also driving the need for new approaches to connectivity and networking. We asked this week’s Expert Panel Roundtable: What are the new developments in networking and connectivity for security?

The impact of Machine Learning (ML) on the security market

Machine learning refers to the evolving ability of computer systems to learn and adapt without following explicit instructions. It essentially involves the use of algorithms and statistical models to analyse and draw conclusions from patterns in data. In the security industry, when it comes to buzzwords, artificial intelligence (AI) has a higher profile than the more specific related term, although machine learning is a better description of tools that are gaining popularity in physical security...

Selling security technology to upper management: Here’s how

Obtaining needed funding for security technology improvements often requires going to senior management with a hat in hand. But requests for more security funding from the C-suite may fall on deaf ears unless a security professional can make a compelling case for the needed expenditures. It starts with learning to speak in terms that resonate with upper management and also involves carefully analysing the benefits of security investments to the broader enterprise. We asked this week’s Expe...

Communicating the value of security to the public

Generally speaking, security becomes a topic of conversation among the general public only after something bad has happened. The context in these situations is: What went wrong? Largely absent from awareness by the public at large is how often things go right; that is, how often security systems work as intended to avoid expensive or even deadly consequences. We asked this week’s Expert Panel Roundtable: How can the industry communicate the value of security to the public?