Jeffrey Kessler

Jeffrey Kessler
Jeffrey Kessler
Managing Director - Institutional Research, Imperial Capital

Jeffrey Kessler is currently a Managing Director of Institutional Research at Imperial Capital, LLC in the New York City office. Mr. Kessler has been the leading security industry analyst on Wall Street for 28-plus years. He began covering ADT, Sensormatic Electronics, and Checkpoint Systems in 1983 at Argus Research, followed by three years at Cowen & Co., and then 21 years as the senior security industry and business services analyst with Lehman Brothers. Mr. Kessler has brought a unique skill set to the security industry for the financial community — publicising it, as well as prodding it to improve its financial profile with investors and its business profile with the critical link in security — enterprise end users. At Lehman Brothers, Mr. Kessler published his industry-standard “Security Industry Annual” for 15 years and co-founded the “Securing New Ground,” conference.

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