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IP Dome cameras - Expert commentary

“The potential is enormous” - Interview with Dr. Henrik Siegle, CTO at Bosch Building Technologies
“The potential is enormous” - Interview with Dr. Henrik Siegle, CTO at Bosch Building Technologies

Dr. Henrik Siegle has been the CTO at Bosch Building Technologies since November 2021. In this interview, he speaks about the megatrends of energy efficiency and sustainability, an...

A beginner’s guide to smart home security
A beginner’s guide to smart home security

Residential burglaries and break-ins are a problem for many homeowners. The FBI estimates there were approximately 1,117,696 burglaries in 2019 in the United States, which accounte...

Everything you need to know about adding Planned Preventative Maintenance (PPM) to your building
Everything you need to know about adding Planned Preventative Maintenance (PPM) to your building

If defence is the best form of attack, then in security, planned preventative maintenance (PPM) is the best way to protect your business from harm. Also known as PPM, the service e...

Latest ViDiCore GmbH news

IFSEC 2015 celebrates another hugely successful year
IFSEC 2015 celebrates another hugely successful year

IFSEC welcomed 23,079 visitors through the doors, increasing attendance by 2% from 2014, driven by UK attendees IFSEC International 2015, organised by UBM EM...

IFSEC 2015 keeps security industry abreast with latest technologies & developments
IFSEC 2015 keeps security industry abreast with latest technologies & developments

IFSEC International will launch a brand new zone within the show - Innovation Arena 2015 has already seen major incidences that have tested the security indu...

ViDiCore GmbH’s PriVendo software deployed by Slovenian retail chain Merkur
ViDiCore GmbH’s PriVendo software deployed by Slovenian retail chain Merkur

Software counts customers in different areas and detects how long customers stay in store The Slovenian retail chain Merkur is one of the first to use ViDiCo...

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Empowering cameras with AI

The rise of ethical facial recognition

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Which AI-powered capability will dominate in the years ahead?