Electronic locking devices - Expert commentary

When choosing an access solution, make Total Cost of Ownership a key part of the calculation
When choosing an access solution, make Total Cost of Ownership a key part of the calculation

Digital access control has well-known benefits over traditional security, of course, but also costs attached to each stage of its lifetime. However, these costs are not fixed. Many...

Nedap adapts to change: The dynamic nature of retail crime
Nedap adapts to change: The dynamic nature of retail crime

With the rise of organised retail crime (ORC) making headlines, retailers are grappling with the dual challenge of safeguarding both their staff and store assets, while addressing...

Strengthening retail security: strategies to combat the surging shoplifting epidemic
Strengthening retail security: strategies to combat the surging shoplifting epidemic

Amidst the challenges of a prevailing economic downturn, the retail sector finds itself grappling with an unparalleled rise in incidents of shoplifting, theft, and burglaries. The...

Latest CEM Systems Ltd news

Johnson Controls deploys its integrated security solution to safeguard Otopeni Henri Airport – Bucharest Nord Railway Link
Johnson Controls deploys its integrated security solution to safeguard Otopeni Henri Airport – Bucharest Nord Railway Link

Compania Naţională de Căi Ferate ‘CFR’ - SA, the state railway carrier of Romania, has invested in an integrated security and safety solution from Johnson Controls, to...

Johnson Controls launches CEM Systems AC2000 v10.2 security management system with enhanced Time & Attendance app
Johnson Controls launches CEM Systems AC2000 v10.2 security management system with enhanced Time & Attendance app

Johnson Controls has announced  the release of CEM Systems AC2000 v10.2, which offers new features such as an enhanced Time & Attendance application, improved Pass Design,...

Johnson Controls announces opening of new Dublin showroom and training facility in Ireland
Johnson Controls announces opening of new Dublin showroom and training facility in Ireland

Tyco, the security products division of Johnson Controls, has announced the opening of its new state-of-the-art interactive showroom and training facility in Ireland. ACVS solutio...

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The critical role of access control in K-12 school security

Three essential reasons to upgrade your access control technology in 2022

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