CCTV software - Expert commentary

Choosing the right fingerprint capture technology
Choosing the right fingerprint capture technology

Choosing the appropriate fingerprint technology for a given application is dependent on factors including the required level of security and matching accuracy, the desired capabili...

How partnering builds vendor value
How partnering builds vendor value

In the realm of physical security, the distinction between being perceived as a security vendor and a security partner holds great importance. While both may seem interchangeable...

Four misconceptions regarding AI and Analytics in video security
Four misconceptions regarding AI and Analytics in video security

Misconceptions about AI and analytics in video security are common due to the rapid evolution of the technology and varying levels of understanding. Artificial Intelligence (AI) an...

Latest Milestone Systems news

Milestone Systems merges with Arcules effective July 2024
Milestone Systems merges with Arcules effective July 2024

Global video technology company Milestone Systems is pleased to announce that effective July 1, 2024, they will merge with the cloud-based video surveillance solutions provider, Ar...

Milestone Systems funds award-winning research project at The University of Aalborg
Milestone Systems funds award-winning research project at The University of Aalborg

Milestone Systems, a pioneering provider of video technology, announced that the award-winning research project furthers the AI capabilities of thermal cameras and Milestone’...

The PSA Network celebrates exceptional technology partnerships with awards at TEC 2024
The PSA Network celebrates exceptional technology partnerships with awards at TEC 2024

The PSA Network (PSA), the world’s largest consortium of professional systems integrators, announced the 12 recipients of the Technology Partner Achievement Awards at PSA TEC...

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The benefits of Edge AI + Cloud for security systems

Video technology: making cities safer & improving lives

Unified physical security