MicroPower’s solar-powered wireless IP camera secures retailer’s parking lot

MicroPower’s solar-powered wireless IP camera secures retailer’s parking lot

MicroPower uses a successful case study to examine the issues around retail parking lot surveillance

Owning and managing surveillance within a parking lot can be a major headache as parking lots have always been a magnet for muggings, vandalism, break-ins, assaults, accidents and drug trafficking. And, if a hold-up/robbery should occur, surveillance cameras within the facility or mounted on the building fail to capture facial detail, as many times these details are concealed by clothing (hooded sweatshirts, ski masks, etc.).

MicroPower’s solar-powered wireless IP camera

As a case in point, numerous incidents were occurring in the parking lot of a regional retailer. The retailer partnered with their system integrator to find a viable solution. The retailer’s integrator discovered MicroPower’s integrated surveillance solution that included a solar-powered wireless IP camera and wireless video hub. The “sub-system” has wireless video streaming capability for distances up to ½ mile, line of sight, and is integrated with most existing video management systems (VMS). This range fell well within the retailer’s parking lot distance and the fully wireless function allowed freedom of camera placement, and very rapid deployment.

What's inside?

  • The Case For Retail Parking Lot Surveillance
  • Retail Case Study
  • An Ideal Solution
  • Taking Advantage Of Available Light
  • Results
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