New Videx Colour TV Video Kits

Product Profile

Videx Security has now developed a new range of TV Kits which offers connection to a standard SCART socket found on most of today’s televisions.  This provides a simple means of controlling access to a house from the comfort of an armchair.  It will be especially advantageous for the elderly or those confined to home through disability.

The basic kit includes a surface or flush door panel complete with integrated speech amplifier, call button and a colour camera complete with back lights.  At the other end of the system there is an audio telephone with a lock release button, a power supply unit and the scart interface.  Three metres of cable and scart plug are also provided.

The operation of the system is quite simple.  A call is activated by pressing the button at the door.  The television will then automatically switch to its AV channel to show a colour picture of the caller.  At the same time, the audio telephone will ring and answering it will enable two way speech and the option to press the lock release button.  When the call ends, the television will automatically switch back to the previous channel.  

Another kit is also available which includes the popular Art280N1 telephone interface instead of the Videx intercom telephone.  This enables the caller to be viewed on the television as with the other system but also enables speech and lock release to take place from the standard household telephone. 

Full details are available from Videx Security Ltd, 1 Osprey, Trinity Park, Trinity Way, London, E4 8TD, Tel:  +44 (0)870 300 1240, Fax:  +44 (0)208 523 5825, E-mail:
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Technical Specification

Make Videx
Manufacturer Videx Security Ltd
Category Access Control>Audio, video or keypad entry
Model code VK6/TV
Type of Kit/ System Video & Audio
Mount Type Flush Mount
No of Entrances 1 entrances
Door Release Type No release
No of Call Buttons on Panel 1 call buttons
No of Handsets/ Phones 1 handsets
Panel Material Stainless steel
Door/ Phone Ratio 1:1
Panel Colour White/ Brown/ Bronze
Electrical Specifications Voltage: 24
Additional info The TV kits are available with either a Video audio handset or the Art280N1 telephone interface to allow the users standard telephone to be used. Both kits allow the door panels colour picture to be viewed on a domestic TV. Surface or flush door panel c/w colour camera, high quality speech amplifier and call button with illuminated name plate. On receiving a call from the door panel, the telephone will ring and the TV will automatically switch to the AV channel to show a colour picture of the caller. Two-way conversation can take place on phone. At the end of call, the TV will switch back to the previous channel.
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