Vicon releases new ViconNet 7 video management software
With enhanced performance and new features, Vicon's ViconNet 7 is user friendly and offers the tools necessary to manage and maintain video security for all users. This new version builds upon ViconNet’s highly successful VMS solutions that are fully scalable and feature rich. With the ability to customize along with compatibility over a wide range of ONVIF network video and computer hardware, ViconNet 7 is a powerful and extremely reliable video solution.
New Features:
Recording manager streamlines recording configuration to replace the need for creating recording macros and schedules on NVRs and DVRs
Support IQinVision cameras as Vicon
New internal memory tracking mechanism
Enhanced central failure messaging
New masking feature
Enhanced VMDC through new high resolution display, masking and quick search capabilities
This new version 7 is also available on VMDC and Web Servers and can be downloaded from Vicon's website or requested on CD/DVD from a Vicon Sales Representative.