Security devices - Security beat

Home automation welcoming a new player to the market: Apple

The security market is awash in stories about how big companies sought to step in and transform the market, from GE to Cisco to several cable or telecom companies. There is generally a lot of hand-wringing over “what it means” when you hear about a big company entering the market. So far the impact of bigger players on our status quo as a fragmented market has been minimal, but it still causes waves when a big company sets its sights on security. Such is the case with Apple, the late...

What’s unmanageable and what’s unavoidable

“Our mission should be to avoid the unmanageable and manage the unavoidable.” I heard that sentence in a completely different context recently, but it seems to summarise well the mission of the security market. If a security professional can avoid the unmanageable, (by logic) he or she can manage whatever else happens (the rest). Avoiding the unmanageable involves using whatever deterrents or preventive measures (including various technologies) to keep things from happening that ca...

Quick poll
What is the most significant challenge facing smart building security today?