Fleet surveillance - Expert commentary

Responsible Technology: Upholding ethical standards and protecting human rights within security

Open platform video technology software is more than just a product; it's a tool that helps customers achieve their desired business outcomes. Safety, round-the-clock security, and increased operational efficiencies are now the norm due to video technology. Responsible Technology Despite humanity’s impressive technological advances, we also recognise the immense responsibility that comes with technological innovation. It's not enough to focus solely on the positive impact video technol...

Critical infrastructure: The starting point for surveillance

Inadequate security measures on your essential infrastructure can have severe consequences.  Consequences  Consider the rail industry: If a vandal cuts the cables on a vital mechanism that controls train signals, train safety is jeopardised. To avoid train collisions or derailments and thus significant damage to property and potential loss of life, the operating company must shut down the service until the infrastructure is repaired and the network is up and running again. The disru...

4 trends to follow at ISC West

The security industry is going increasingly digital these days, with more small- and medium-sized businesses joining their global brethren by moving their data to the cloud, leveraging the benefits of artificial intelligence, and embracing more open solutions. Innovation is expected to continue at a rapid pace, thanks in part to the residual effects of the pandemic which has driven changes that might have otherwise taken five years or a decade or more to get into customers’ hands on a glo...

Darryl vs. the Drone: The evolution of security

There’s a new security paradigm emerging across malls, server farms, smart office buildings, and warehouses, and its advantage over the status quo are so broad they are impossible to ignore. Instead of a lecture, let’s start with a short narrative scenario to illustrate my point. Darryl's work Darryl works as a security guard at the Eastwood Mall. Like any typical evening, tonight’s shift begins at 9:30 PM, as the stores close and the crowds thin. His first task: Ensure that...

IoT video surveillance: simplify security, prevent loss and create safer environments

Nowadays the Internet of Things has become an integral part of business around the world. The enhanced functionality made possible by the Internet of Things (IoT) and associated technologies are responsible for many of the major changes seen across society today. Video surveillance Video surveillance is one area that experiences substantial evolution driven by IoT technology. The intelligent monitors and sensors of the IoT combined with emerging high-speed network solutions promise to improve...

Customisation considerations for embedded system RFID readers

With increasing security and public health concerns, contactless credentials are gaining more and more importance. Contactless credentials can be divided into two main categories: soft credentials that include mobile phone applications that tap into their BLE/NFC hardware and transmit the data, and hard credentials that typically include low frequency (125 kHz) and high frequency (13.56MHz) based passive RFID transponders. With the help of these credentials, organisations can tackle safety conc...

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Which AI-powered capability will dominate in the years ahead?