Facial recognition systems - Round table discussions

How does technology contribute to the security of public events?

Technology offers a range of tools to bolster security at public events, including before, during, and after. This year, the 2024 Summer Olympics in Paris will draw the attention of the world, requiring the best protection available for the venues, the athletes, and the attendees. Other happenings such as the FIFA World Cup, the Super Bowl, the Tour de France, and the U.S. NBA Finals are momentous events that challenge security and law enforcement personnel to keep them safe. We asked this...

What’s new with biometrics?

Technological leaps in the last several decades have revolutionised biometrics. The technologies are constantly evolving, spanning facial recognition to iris scanning to fingerprints, to provide new levels of security and convenience. Biometrics are everywhere, from smartphones to border control, constantly evolving to meet the needs of our increasingly digital world. They are also more accurate and easier to use than ever. We asked this week's Expert Panel Roundtable: What’s new with biom...

How can security systems maximise ROI?

Security systems are often seen as an investment, but usually not one that pays dividends. However, newer technologies are enabling end users to extend their efforts to cost-justify a security system beyond the mirage of “measuring what didn’t happen.” Nowadays, security systems provide quantifiable benefits that yield a return on customers’ investments. We asked this week’s Expert Panel Roundtable: How can security systems maximize return on investment (ROI)? 

Is “frictionless access control” a reality or an empty promise?

Frictionless systems provide access to a building without interfering at all with a user’s entry experience. Frictionless access means you can automatically pass through a gate without showing a credential or otherwise engaging, and with the system recognising who you are and allowing you to pass. In true frictionless access, everything works seamlessly, with unauthorised people obviously barred. But how close are we to realising frictionless access control? We asked this week’s Expe...

Which vertical markets offer the greatest growth potential for security?

Physical security is a large market overall, encompassing a range of diverse vertical markets, each with its own set of challenges and opportunities. The success of the security industry overall depends on the ability of companies and technologies to meet the specific needs of each vertical market. Some markets offer more lucrative opportunities than others. We asked this week’s Expert Panel Roundtable: Which vertical markets have the greatest potential for growth for physical security sys...

What missing skills among security integrators can cause problems?

As physical security technologies become more complex, it is incumbent on the dealer/integrator to have the skills and expertise needed to ensure that a system operates smoothly. The value of integrators increasingly rests on the skill sets they bring to bear when installing a system. If the skills are missing, there is a problem. We asked this week’s Expert Panel Roundtable: What missing skills among security integrators can cause problems for customers? 

How can security address privacy concerns while increasing protection?

Security and privacy are often seen as being at odds. In effect, you must have less of one in order to get more of the other. However, newer technologies are eliminating the need to make such a difficult choice. Innovation is paving the way for greater security and protection in a climate where privacy concerns are also paramount. We asked this week’s Expert Panel Roundtable: How can security address individual privacy concerns while increasing protection?

What will be the biggest surprise for security in 2023

Like any year, 2022 was full of surprises for the physical security industry. Adapting to supply chain shortages, lightning-fast technology development, and changing occupancy patterns in a shifting labor market were just a few of the factors that kept security professionals guessing in 2022. Wonder what the new year will hold? We asked this week’s Expert Panel Roundtable: What will be the biggest surprise for security in the year ahead (2023)?

What will be important technology developments in the second half of 2022?

Six months can go by in the blink of an eye. In 2022, it almost seems as if it has. Here we are already at mid-year after what has been an eventful six months for the security marketplace. There is still a lot ahead in 2022 for the industry, and our Expert Panel Roundtable has been considering what the coming months might hold in terms of technology change. We asked this week’s panelists: What will likely be the most important technology development in the security marketplace in the secon...

Which security systems are more proactive than reactive?

The advantages of security systems as forensic and investigative tools are well understood and demonstrated in the market. However, the new trend is toward systems that are useful in real-time and that even predict a security event, before it happens. We asked this week’s Expert Panel Roundtable: Which security systems are becoming more proactive than reactive?

What are the biggest misconceptions about biometrics?

Among the technologies widely used in the world of security, none is more fraught with privacy concerns than biometrics. However, sometimes the privacy concerns are based more on false information than on facts. Privacy must be addressed, of course, but the industry should also promote greater understanding of the technology as a means of combatting misinformation. We asked this week’s Expert Panel Roundtable: What are the biggest misconceptions surrounding biometrics? What is the impact?

Will 2022 be the year for ‘touchless’ security?

Early in the pandemic, before the mechanisms of COVID spread were clearly understood, there was talk about the disease being transmitted through contact with surfaces. Such concerns created a windfall for manufacturers of hand sanitizer, and broadly changed the perceived risks of touching surfaces, perhaps forever. Touching the same surface as hundreds of other people suddenly became less desirable, thus boosting the fortunes of “touchless” access control and security devices. But wi...

Pick your topic: opinions on the IoT, analytics, faces and buying online

We appreciate the variety of opinionated discussions offered throughout the year by our Expert Panel Roundtable. Looking back at 2021, we found some random and uncategorised Expert Panel responses that were not previously published. We have rescued these responses from our cutting-room floor and present them here in the interest of generating even more discussion.

What are the security challenges of the healthcare industry?

The COVID-19 pandemic has complicated the task of securing hospitals and healthcare facilities by adding new concerns about disease transmission to the long list of other threats healthcare security professionals face. Hospital security must also crack the code to both allow open public access to healthcare facilities while keeping out violence and other security threats. We asked this week’s Expert Panel Roundtable: What are the security challenges of the healthcare industry?   

What are the new developments in facial recognition?

Facial recognition is a mature technology that continues to change and evolve. New innovations such as artificial intelligence (AI) are expanding facial recognition capabilities, even as privacy concerns, though often misguided, undermine wider acceptance in the market. We asked this week’s Expert Panel Roundtable: What are the new developments in facial recognition?

How soon will access control cards become extinct and why?

Since the advent of the physical security industry, access control has been synonymous with physical cards, whether 125 kHz ‘prox’ cards or the newer smart card alternatives. However, other credentials have also come on the scene, including biometrics and even smart phones. Some of these choices have distinct cost and security advantages over physical cards. We asked this week’s Expert Panel Roundtable: How soon will the access control card become extinct and why? 

How can the security industry provide affordable and cost-effective solutions?

Cost is a reality to be managed. No matter how powerful or desirable a technology may be to a customer, the sale often comes down to the basic question: Can I afford it? And affordability extends not just to the purchase price, but to the cost of technology over its lifespan. In addition to advances in technology capabilities, the security industry has also achieved inroads to make its offerings more worth the cost. We asked this week’s Expert Panel Roundtable: What is the physical securi...

What is the potential of deep learning in physical security and surveillance?

“Deep learning” is recently among the more prevalent jargon in the physical security industry, and for good reason. The potential benefits of this subset of artificial intelligence (AI) are vast, and those benefits are only now beginning to be understood and realised. But how can we separate the marketing hype from reality? How can we differentiate between future potential and the current state of the art? To clarify the latest on this new technology, we asked this week’s Exper...

Which security markets are embracing touchless and contactless systems?

The idea of touchless systems has gained new levels of prominence during the last year, driven by the global COVID-19 pandemic. Contactless systems have been part of the industry’s toolbox for decades, while technologies like facial and iris recognition are finding new uses every day. We asked this week’s Expert Panel Roundtable: Which security markets are embracing touchless, contactless systems and why? 

What is the impact of privacy concerns on physical security?

Adoption of General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) by the European Union in 2016 set a new standard for data privacy. But adherence to GDPR is only one element, among many privacy concerns sweeping the global security community and leaving almost no product category untouched, from access control to video to biometrics. Because privacy concerns are more prevalent than ever, we asked this week’s Expert Panel Roundtable: What is the impact on the physical security market?

What are the security challenges of protecting critical infrastructure?

Many of us take critical infrastructure for granted in our everyday lives. We turn on a tap, flip a switch, push a button, and water, light, and heat are all readily available. But it is important to remember that computerised systems manage critical infrastructure facilities, making them vulnerable to cyber-attacks. The recent ransomware attack on the Colonial Pipeline is an example of the new types of threats. In addition, any number of physical attacks is also possibilities. We asked this we...

What are the latest trends in perimeter security technology?

Perimeter security is the first line of defence against intruders entering a business or premises. Traditionally associated with low-tech options such as fencing, the field of perimeter security has expanded in recent years and now encompasses a range of high-tech options. We asked this week’s Expert Panel Roundtable: What are the latest trends in perimeter security technology?

Which security technologies will be useful in a post-pandemic world?

In the past few weeks, the light at the end of the COVID-19 tunnel has brightened, providing new levels of hope that the worst of the pandemic is behind us. Dare we now consider what life will be like after the pandemic is over? Considering the possible impact on our industry, we asked this week’s Expert Panel Roundtable: Which security technologies will be most useful in a post-pandemic world?

What new technologies and trends will shape video analytics?

The topic of video analytics has been talked and written about for decades, and yet is still one of the cutting-edge themes in the physical security industry. Some say yesterday’s analytics systems tended to overpromise and underdeliver, and there are still some skeptics. However, newer technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) are reinvigorating the sector and enabling it to finally live up to its promise. We asked this week’s Expert Panel Roundtable: What new technologies a...

Which new buzzwords reflect the security industry’s trends?

As an industry, we often speak in buzzwords. In addition to being catchy and easy to remember, these new and trendy industry terms can also reflect the state of the security market’s technology. In short, the latest buzzwords provide a kind of shorthand description of where the industry is - and where it’s going. We asked this week’s Expert Panel Roundtable: What new buzzword(s) rose to prominence in the security industry in 2020? (And how do they reflect industry trends?)

How is AI changing the security market?

Artificial intelligence is more than just the latest buzzword in the security marketplace. In some cases, smarter computer technologies like AI and machine learning (ML) are helping to transform how security operates. AI is also expanding the industry’s use cases, sometimes even beyond the historic province of the security realm. It turns out that AI is also a timely tool in the middle of a global pandemic. We asked this week’s Expert Panel Roundtable: How is artificial intelligence...

Are privacy concerns stifling innovation in security?

Facial recognition is the latest technology to be targeted because of concerns about privacy. If such concerns cloud the public perception, they can be harmful to technology markets. Whether the concerns are genuine or based on misinformation is often beside the point; the practical damage has already been done. But beyond market demand, what is the impact of privacy concerns on technology innovation? We asked this week’s Expert Panel Roundtable: Are privacy concerns stifling innovation in...

What are the new trends and opportunities for biometrics?

A shift toward touchless devices during the coronavirus pandemic has been a boon to the biometrics sector. Another factor in the recent increase in use of biometrics is lower prices, which are a symptom of a maturing market and of new technology capabilities. Increasingly, integration of biometrics with access control and other security systems is expanding use cases and sales numbers. For additional insights, we asked this week’s Expert Panel Roundtable: What are the new trends and opport...

Which security technology is most misunderstood, and why?

The general public gets much of its understanding of security industry technology from watching movies and TV. However, there is a gap between reality and the fantasy world. Understanding of security technologies may also be shaped by news coverage, including expression of extreme or even exaggerated concerns about privacy. The first step in addressing any challenge is greater awareness, so we asked this week’s Expert Panel Roundtable: Which security industry technology is most misundersto...

What technology buzz will dominate the security industry in 2020?

The new year comes with new opportunities for the security industry, but what technologies will dominate our discussions in 2020? Topics such as artificial intelligence (AI) and HCI (hyperconverged infrastructure) became familiar in conversations during 2019, and they are likely to dominate our thoughts again in the new year. But other buzzwords are also gaining steam, such as “blockchain” and “frictionless access control.” Connectivity and the cloud will also be timely t...

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Which AI-powered capability will dominate in the years ahead?