
The future is here: ADT’s innovation lab evaluating robots and indoor drones

New robots and indoor drones for security applications are on the horizon, based on the work of ADT Commercials’ Innovation Lab, which is evaluating the new technologies’ value to customers and some typical use cases. The Innovation Lab has been in place for just under a year and just moved into a 2,000-square-foot facility that is staffed with four dedicated ADT Commercial employees and teams from various commercial innovation partners. The idea of the lab is to close the gap bet...

Shoplifting today is more sophisticated, and so are the tools to fight it

Shoplifting is often viewed as petty theft by individuals, but that is not always the case. Overall, shoplifting is becoming more sophisticated and coordinated. Sometimes, retail crimes are strategic and expertly choreographed. Every step is carefully thought out — from the brand to the location to the items that are taken. Shoplifting, a major safety concern Also, the violence that accompanies these events is rising. Shoppers are rightly concerned about their safety while shopping, and...

GSX 2022 reflects changing technologies and evolving role for security

GSX 2022 this week in Atlanta highlights the changing role of security in the enterprise. The role of the security director increasingly will encompass facets of cybersecurity as well as physical security. Transitioning to an operation that incorporates both disciplines requires a workforce that embraces education and building new skills. Education and the opportunity to build new skills are evident everywhere at GSX, including in the hundreds of education sessions and also in the knowledge sha...

What are the security challenges of the transportation industry?

The transportation industry is unique because it plays a role in both the minutiae of everyday life and the overall economy's well-being. Providing uninterrupted and efficient transportation services depends heavily on the safety and security of transportation entities. Due to the vast amount of people frequenting transit stations and the importance of the items on ships and ferries, the transportation sector faces multiple challenges that evolve as the industry advances. We asked this week&rsqu...

Which security trend is here to stay?

Technologies and trends in the security marketplace come and go with some regularity. But how can you tell which trends are gaining traction and which amount to ‘the flavour of the month.’ For guidance, we asked our Expert Panel Roundtable: Which new security trend do you think is here to stay?