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Anthony Wesley reveals IDS uEye XCP camera insights

The solar system has fascinated mankind for thousands of years. Astronomical research is looking for answers to the big questions of human existence. How big is the universe? How did it come into being? Astronomers all over the world are casting their gaze into space. However, it is not only huge space telescopes that provide spectacular images, smaller telescopes equipped with standard industrial cameras also allow backyard astronomers to look far and gain new insights.  Image sensors  However, in addition to versatile camera software, the right sensors are crucial for the quality of the images. Australian amateur astronomer Anthony Wesley has found the uEye XCP camera from IDS, equipped with Sony Starvis 2 sensors, to be an excellent choice for capturing high-resolution pictures of the neighbouring planets including Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn. Astrophotography Astrophotography has to overcome special challenges in two respects, both technical and natural. This applies in particular to telescopic images of planets. Technical challenges Seeing leads to a flickering or blurring of the objects, especially when observing through earthbound telescopes Firstly, the Earth's atmosphere is constantly in motion, creating turbulence that distorts the light coming from the stars or planets. This so-called ‘seeing’ leads to a flickering or blurring of the objects, especially when observing through earthbound telescopes.  This blurring and distortion caused by atmospheric turbulence makes it difficult to capture detailed images. Natural challenges Secondly, the earth's atmosphere absorbs and scatters visible or short-wave blue light. Near-infrared light, on the other hand, is scattered less, which leads to clearer and sharper images. This is particularly important in regions with poor ‘seeing’ conditions caused by air turbulence. In addition, infrared light penetrates thin clouds and dust particles better than visible light.  NIR-sensitive sensors By using a NIR-sensitive camera, astronomers can look behind these interstellar dust clouds and recognise structures that remain hidden in visible light. This applies, for example, to young stars and star-forming regions, which are usually surrounded by dense dust clouds. But the same applies to capturing images of large planets such as Saturn or Jupiter: the more powerful the camera in the low-light range, the more informative the images will be. Not to be neglected: Infrared light is less influenced by artificial light sources on Earth. This means that NIR-sensitive sensors also offer better conditions for observing the sky in areas with moderate light pollution. Application U3-38C0XCP-M-NO which is equipped with the IMX662 monochrome sensor, delivers excellent results Cameras with particularly high NIR sensitivity are therefore in high demand. In this context, amateur astronomer Anthony Wesley has investigated the performance of IDS cameras from the XCP family with Starvis 2 class sensors and their suitability for planetary photography - with success: The IDS camera model U3-38C0XCP-M-NO which is equipped with the IMX662 monochrome sensor, delivers excellent results. One- to two-minute video segments "The IDS camera is the imaging element for a telescope with an aperture of 415 millimetres and a focal length of 6000 millimetres," he explains the camera's function. "It records one- to two-minute video segments of planets such as Jupiter and Saturn at a speed of around 60 frames per second through interchangeable filters, both in visible light and in the infrared range." Barlow lens To form a single optical unit that fits into the eyepiece socket of the telescope, Anthony Wesley screwed the IDS camera, filter wheel, and Barlow lens directly together. The Barlow lens between the eyepiece and the telescope extends the focal path of the telescope and thus increases the magnification without the need for an additional eyepiece. "The IDS camera base has been modified to allow mounting at a low distance, as I don't need the standard C/CS distance," he explains the design. Higher image quality U3-38C0XCP Rev.1.2 model with the 2.16 MPixel IMX662 rolling shutter sensor achieves exceptional images But what features make the camera particularly suitable for this application? "Light sensitivity that goes far beyond the human eye - that's what sensors with Starvis 2 technology from Sony stand for," says Jürgen Hejna, Product Manager of uEye cameras at IDS, summarising the strength of the sensors. For example, the U3-38C0XCP Rev.1.2 model with the 2.16 MPixel IMX662 rolling shutter sensor achieves exceptional image quality with a particularly high dynamic range thanks to the pixel technology. USB3 camera The USB3 camera delivers a fast 88 images per second and is particularly strong in low-light applications where high sensitivity and low resolution are required. The 1/3’’ sensor also minimises distracting reflections within the camera thanks to so-called “Anti-Reflection Coating”. Advantages  For Anthony Wesley, the compact camera has further advantages: "The compact, lightweight uEye XCP is well suited for amateur telescopes. The uEye cameras are inexpensive, but offer almost all the functions that amateur astronomers want for this application." He was also impressed by the easy integration of the IDS cameras via the IDS peak software development kit. "I am the developer and maintainer of the IDS camera module in the FireCapture software, which is popular with amateur astronomers. The IDS module is written in C with Microsoft Visual Studio and is compiled into a DLL that can be easily loaded into FireCapture to enable the use of the comprehensive software features." Image processing The video segments recorded using FireCapture are then further processed using Autostakkert The video segments recorded using FireCapture are then further processed using Autostakkert, a Windows software programme that automatically aligns and merges the images of the night sky. "The software combines and averages the individual images and corrects for blurring and distortion caused by the Earth's atmosphere," explains Anthony Wesley. These blurs can appear as blurring or image noise and obscure important details in the images. Method of deconvolution In astronomical imaging, the method of deconvolution is therefore used to optimise the image quality of telescope images and to correct blurred or distorted images. In this case, the Astra Image and Registax software packages are used for deconvolution and image sharpening. In the next step, the observed rotation of the target object during the recording time must be corrected.  Winjupos software "For example, Jupiter rotates by one degree every 90 seconds," says Anthony. The Winjupos software is used for this, which can be used to superimpose, derogate and adjust time-shifted images and videos and to merge red/green/blue images into one colour image. "The final image clean-up is done with Gimp. In this way, the post-processing of the video can compensate for the blurring effect of the earth's atmosphere and drastically reduce it so that a clear image of the target object is created," says Anthony, summarising the final image processing procedure. Software The IDS cameras are easily integrated using the IDS peak software development kit To guarantee all this, however, perfect interaction between hardware and software is required. The IDS cameras are easily integrated using the IDS peak software development kit (SDK). "IDS peak is perfectly matched to our hardware, allowing users to get the most out of our cameras. It includes programmeming interfaces and software tools that ensure an intuitive programmeming experience, quick and easy installation, and versatile application options," emphasises Damien Wang, Area Sales Manager at IDS. This makes it possible to utilise the extensive features of the FireCapture software specially developed for astrophotography. Sensitivity in the infrared range "With the uEye XCP models, we are not only offering something new in our portfolio but are also once again among the pioneers in the industrial camera market. The current sensor technology of these cameras ensures high frame rates, and remarkably high image quality - and impresses with its high sensitivity in the infrared range, even when used in low-light situations such as planetary photography." "With the components used here, not only professional but also amateur astronomers can take particularly high-resolution images of celestial objects," emphasises Jürgen Hejna. Class 2 Sony Starvis sensors Anthony Wesley has been observing planets as well as the camera market very closely for over twenty years. "Cameras and technology made an evolutionary step forward from the past, in either NIR sensitivity or low noise." "The technology of the uEye XCP in combination with the class 2 Sony Starvis sensors are undoubtedly among the best currently available," he concludes. Outlook "Cameras based on the Sony Starvis 2 sensors will be popular with amateur astronomers in the planetary imaging community due to their high sensitivity, great depth of field, and low noise," says Anthony Wesley. "Especially in the NIR range between 700 nm and 1000 nm, where very interesting work can be achieved that will advance our understanding of other planets in our solar system." However, the field of application of the cameras does not only extend into space. "Many of the techniques used can also be applied to other areas with similar challenges, such as underwater imaging in low-light environments," recommends the Australian. Camera: uEye XCP - The industry's smallest housed camera with C-mount. Model used: U3-38C0XCP-M-NO Camera Family: uEye XCP

Marvel Fusion: Pioneering CO2-free nuclear fusion tech

Nuclear fusion is seen as a possible visionary solution to the energy problems of the future - clean and comparatively low-risk. Small atomic nuclei are fused at extreme temperatures and pressures instead of being split as in the reactors of conventional nuclear power plants. A similar process takes place in stars and therefore also in the sun. This generates an enormous amount of energy - without releasing CO2. Ambitious research and development The deep-tech firm has developed a novel laser-based approach that can produce CO2-free The idea of using nuclear fusion to generate large amounts of energy in a climate-neutral way is considered a dream of mankind. However, nuclear fusion is technically extremely demanding and its realisation requires not only immense investment but also ambitious research and development.  Marvel Fusion GmbH, a Munich-based start-up, is pursuing this dream-with the aim of building the first commercially viable nuclear fusion power plant. The deep-tech company has developed a novel laser-based approach that can produce CO2-free, clean, safe electricity. Commercial nuclear fusion The research for the prototype is entering the decisive phase with the planned construction of a technology demonstrator in Colorado. The world's first customised laser system for research into commercial nuclear fusion is to be built there on the campus of Colorado State University. Meanwhile, basic research is being carried out in Munich and Bucharest. Up to 20 IDS cameras are used simultaneously to monitor and control the experiments in the high-vacuum chambers there. Laser-based fusion A pressure range of 10−4 pascals wins in the high-vacuum chambers in which the experiments are carried out "The cameras allow us to precisely monitor the experiments for researching and developing laser-based fusion," Caya Momm, Marvel Fusion.  A pressure range of 10−4 pascals prevails in the high-vacuum chambers in which the experiments are carried out. This extremely low pressure is far below the atmospheric pressure of around 105 and requires special vacuum pumps with pump-down times of up to 8 hours.  GigE uEye LE camera Efficient execution of the experiments is therefore crucial. "The cameras thus play a crucial role, as they enable us to observe the experiments and control the measuring devices," adds Caya Momm (Purchasing). The choice fell on a model from the GigE uEye LE camera family. A specially developed protective housing around the cameras ensures that they can withstand the extreme conditions and strong electromagnetic pulses that can occur during fusion experiments. This so-called EMP camera box protects the camera electronics from high energy discharge. "This design guarantees us optimum functionality and reliability," confirms Kyle Kenney (Lab Engineer). But what exactly do the cameras see? During the experiments, some cameras are positioned in such a way that they check the mirror reflections and the alignment of the laser. Further cameras inside the vacuum chamber monitor the arrangement of the superstructure. “This is necessary because we control the motorised assembly in the chamber from the outside. The IDS cameras control measuring devices, detectors, sensors and mirrors," says Kyle Kenney, outlining the use of up to 20 IDS cameras per laser experiment. The main aspects of camera use are correspondingly diverse: Alignment of the optics: Cameras ensure the correct positioning of the mirrors. Collision avoidance: Overview cameras in the chamber ensure real-time monitoring to avoid collisions with the motorised superstructure. Microscopic focus: Another set of cameras focusses precisely on the target of our lasers and thus enables exact laser target acquisition. Synchronisation with the laser pulse: The cameras must be synchronised with the laser pulses to ensure accurate and error-free data. GigE camera UI-5241LE and S-Mount Marvel Fusion opted for the single-board GigE camera UI-5241LE and S-Mount The entire range of tasks is fulfilled by a single camera model: Marvel Fusion opted for the single-board GigE camera UI-5241LE and S-Mount. "Our space-saving project camera is high-resolution, fast and small enough to solve all these tasks," explains Markus Schickner, Area Sales Manager at IDS. With its compact dimensions of 45 x 45 millimetres, the GigE uEye LE is perfect for customised embedded projects like this one. Integrated into the EMP housing It can be precisely integrated into the EMP housing, and the GigE interface also allows cable lengths of up to 100 metres. The camera model is also recommended due to the 1/1.8" CMOS sensor from e2v, which delivers a resolution of 1.3 megapixels (1280 x 1024) at a frame rate of 50 fps. Special features such as triggers for synchronisation with the laser pulse and the price were also decisive factors in the choice of model. This is because the uEye LE is reduced to the essentials and therefore affordable. Integrity of the vacuum chamber The safety aspect is ensured by the robust sealing of the camera box, which prevents particles from escaping Nevertheless, the multiple integrated model here is so versatile that different special cameras are not required for different demands. This greatly simplifies the handling of the up to 20 cameras involved in the experiment."The cameras are designed to work efficiently in our laser experiments," says Caya Momm, confirming the versatility of the cameras. "They also enable direct and continuous live transmission of the laser experiments. This partially eliminates the need to enter the vacuum chamber," she adds. The safety aspect is ensured by a robust sealing of the camera box, which prevents particles from escaping and effectively safeguards the integrity of the vacuum chamber against contamination. GigE Vision standard interface The captured image information is further processed using the open source software framework Tango Controls, into which the IDS cameras can be quickly and easily integrated via the GigE Vision standard interface. Tango Controls enables the control and monitoring of devices in distributed systems and has been specially developed for scientific facilities and laboratories that require complex device integration and control such as these. The IDS cameras, as well as every other device integrated into the system, can thus be controlled individually via the network. Experimental setup and vision system Live images given by the cameras are directly processed and given with the help of Tango Controls At the same time, Tango supports event-based communication, allowing real-time reactions and adjustments to the experimental set-up and the vision system as soon as these become necessary during the course of the experiment. The live images supplied by the cameras are immediately processed and delivered with the help of Tango Controls. "The results were very satisfactory, as the position of the laser was localised precisely. Image processing allows us to precisely define or realign the position of the optics with linear drives," reports Oscar Juina (Electrical Engineer). Outlook "Specially designed cameras with EMP housings of this quality are typically hard to find and very expensive," emphasises Caya Momm, buyer at Marvel Fusion. "The adaptability and availability of the IDS cameras are valuable to us. As we are currently focussing on time-limited research experiments, the quantities required are still small. However, this could change in the future with regard to the planned scaling up to larger fusion experiments and for future fusion power plants."  Advances in laser fusion According to the company, the world's most powerful short-pulse laser system is to be built in Colorado by 2026, the first commercial power plants are to be built by the mid-2030s and the company hopes to be able to make a major contribution to the energy supply by 2045. The advances in laser fusion and its potential as an innovative energy source are of great importance. They have the potential to significantly reduce the carbon footprint of the global energy supply.

IDS showcases at SPS: Industrial cameras and AI-based tech

Detecting the smallest errors, increasing throughput rates, preventing wear – industrial cameras provide important information for automated processes. IDS will be demonstrating which technologies and products are particularly relevant at SPS/Smart Production Solutions in Nuremberg, Germany, from 12 to 14 November. If they want to experience how small cameras can achieve big things, stand 6-360 is the right place to visit. Industrial image processing Around 1,200 companies will be represented in a total of 16 exhibition halls at the trade fair for smart and digital automation. IDS will be taking part for the first time, focussing on industrial image processing for robotics, process automation and networked systems. Philipp Ohl, Head of Product Management at IDS, explains: "Automation and cameras? They go together like a lock and key. Depending on the task, very different qualities are required – such as particularly high-resolution images, remarkably fast cameras or models with integrated intelligence." Consequently, the products and demo systems that the company will be showcasing at SPS are highly diverse. New event-based sensor IDS is introducing a new event-based sensor that is guided for motion analyses or high-speed counting The highlights of IDS can be divided into three categories: 2D, 3D and AI-based image processing. The company will be presenting uEye Live, a newly developed product line. These industrial-grade monitoring cameras enable live streaming and are designed for the continuous monitoring and documentation of processes.  IDS will also be introducing a new event-based sensor that is recommended for motion analyses or high-speed counting. It enables the efficient detection of rapid changes through continuous pixel-by-pixel detection instead of the usual sequential image-by-image analysis. New stereo vision camera In the 3D cameras product segment, IDS will be demonstrating the advantages of the new stereo vision camera Ensenso B for precise close-range picking tasks as well as a prototype of the first time-of-flight camera developed entirely in-house.  Anyone interested in robust character recognition will also find what they are looking for at the trade fair stand: Thanks to DENKnet OCR, texts and symbols on surfaces can be reliably identified and processed. IDS will be exhibiting at SPS, stand 6-360.

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