Articles by Richard Brent

Verifying audio alarm notifications: why secondary source verification is vital

Across the country, law enforcement officers are finding it increasingly difficult to respond to the near overwhelming number of calls coming from security alarms. Police departments commonly define a false alarm as a call, which upon investigation, shows no evidence of criminal activity, such as broken windows, forced doors, items missing, or people injured. While false alarms bog down police, they can also negatively impact customers and integrators. End users can expect hefty fines for fals...

How society and politics impacted the security industry in 2017

For the security industry, 2017 was a good year, but not a great year. With political changes coming and greater interest in border control, perimeter security and analytic technologies, we have seen an increase in enquiries from both federal, and state law enforcement agencies and municipalities. The political security landscape The series of unexpected, natural and self-inflicted disasters that swept across the United States over the last few months have also created a greater interest...

Advantages of integrating audio monitoring and sound detection in school security solutions

Deploying audio solutions would flag incidents not caught on camera With the increasing number of campus shootings and lockdowns, security is a top priority for schools. Decision-makers are looking to repair the inefficient security measures on campuses by either upgrading their current systems or installing state-of-the-art technologies to enhance situational awareness. Traditionally, security personnel have relied on video as the primary method of monitoring. However, this...

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