Articles by Kiran Vasishta

Security considerations for RFID and mobile access

In recent years, multinational corporations such as Cathay Pacific, Facebook, Uber, and numerous others have been heavily fined due to security and data protection violations. This period has seen data protection laws increase as more and more information is gathered and shared online. As such, it becomes crucial to account for security capabilities when choosing an embedded device that touches potentially sensitive data. RFID readers RFID readers very much belong to the ecosystem wherein per...

What physical specifications play a role in integrating card reader

One key aspect of hardware design is choosing an appropriate form factor for your product. In today's world, form factor not only defines your product's size and shape but also includes its aesthetic appeal. While size and shape are important, another aspect that is prominent when dealing with RFID card readers (including NFC and BLE mobile credential readers) is the reader's location within the end device and the size of the RF antenna. This article focuses on some key considerations relating...

Eleven considerations for embedded system RFID readers

Today, RFID readers can be found in numerous devices requiring user authentication, authorisation and access control, from doors to multi-function printers to point of sale terminals to computers and more. RFID is a simple, secure and convenient access control solution for end users and original equipment manufacturers. RFID readers/writers come with a broad range of form factors, capabilities and configurations. Choosing the right RFID reader When choosing a reader to embed into a system or d...

Customisation considerations for embedded system RFID readers

With increasing security and public health concerns, contactless credentials are gaining more and more importance. Contactless credentials can be divided into two main categories: soft credentials that include mobile phone applications that tap into their BLE/NFC hardware and transmit the data, and hard credentials that typically include low frequency (125 kHz) and high frequency (13.56MHz) based passive RFID transponders. With the help of these credentials, organisations can tackle safety conc...

Security considerations for embedded system RFID readers

In recent years, multinational corporations such as Cathay Pacific, Facebook, Uber and numerous others have been heavily fined due to security and data protection violations. This period has seen data protection laws increase as more and more information is gathered and shared online. As such, it becomes crucial to account for security capabilities when choosing an embedded device that touches potentially sensitive data. RFID readers very much belong to the ecosystem wherein personal or user i...

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