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In the first of Vanderbilt and ComNet’s upcoming webinar series, the ACRE companies will be tackling the topic of card cloning and reader hacking in access control. The webinar takes place on Wednesday 22 April, at 10 am (CET) and will last 45 minutes. The host of the webinar is Andrew Fulton, Director of Business Development for Access Control at Vanderbilt.

“During this webinar, I will discuss and demonstrate the issues surrounding card cloning and reader hacking in the access control world today. I’m sure that some attendees will be shocked as to how easy even some of the more secure products can be compromised,” outlines Fulton.

Access Control

I look forward to you joining me on Wednesday morning for this in-depth discussion"

“I will cover the latest threats and techniques, as well as solutions to the problem - some simple and low cost, others more complex and complete solutions. I will also make recommendations on the type of cards and readers that you should use to ensure you end up with the most secure offering today, and not something that you soon realise has been compromised.” Andrew Fulton, Director of Business Development for Access Control, Vanderbilt.

“I look forward to you joining me on Wednesday morning for this in-depth discussion,” Fulton concludes.

Electronic security industry

Andrew Fulton is an experienced senior leader in the electronic security industry. As a co-founder of CEM Systems, he has over 30 years’ experience in access control products sold into the most complex situations worldwide. During this time, he has covered a broad spectrum of roles including software and product design, sales, and CEM Managing Director (before its acquisition by TYCO.)

After continuing in global access sales in TYCO for 14 years, he has spent the last three years at Vanderbilt - initially as head of product management for access control before moving internally to Director of Business Development for Access Control. With in-depth valuable knowledge, particularly within aviation, gaming banking, and infrastructure security systems, Andrew has a great insight into the changing needs of current access control products, including secure credentials.

Card and reader cloning

Takeaways attendees can expect:

  • Get the latest updates in card and reader cloning and hacking.
  • Know what cards and readers are most secure going forward.
  • Understand how to make the transition from insecure to secure cards and readers simple.

When: Wednesday, 22 April at 10 am (CET) Duration: 45 minutes

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