Home automation and solutions for the consumer market has been changing at a rapid pace, and this poses an exciting challenge for the security industry. The SPC intrusion system is designed to provide the highest levels of security providing interfaces to meet the demand of such a fast-changing market, which poses many risks to the safety and compliance of security systems.
When we look at the landscape we have two options; we can create a closed system which will integrate with only products from that system or we can provide a bridge to protect the security of the system while allowing consumers the flexibility to get the most out of the intrusion system.
Using the SPC gateways you can make use of standard alarm contacts and PIRs and map them to a KNX system
Mapping SPC gateways to KNX system
With the SPC solution, we aim to provide both; using the SPC cause and effect engine you can recreate logic that will allow you to define automation logic throughout the building. If, however, you wish to use an external system, Vanderbilt has been working with technical partners to develop solutions for the marketplace. As mentioned in Part 1 of this article (SPC - BMS and Automation Solutions) about how OPC, BACnet and MODBUS can bridge the gap between the building automation design companies and the security industry. So, let’s look now at some other technologies and systems you can use with SPC.
Using the SPC gateways you can make use of standard alarm contacts and PIRs and map them to a KNX system. Any element of an SPC system can be mapped to the KNX network.
Using Lundix bridge for a smarter living experience
Control4 delivers power and performance on one system that coordinates the technology in your house into complete, brilliant experiences
Homey is an exciting automation system which is making waves in the automation market. By using the Lundix bridge the information available in the SPC and be used and accessed from the Homey system. The Homey system is a voice controlled system that allows you to define your logic. Within the Homey environment, you can set up conditions and logic that will enhance your home and environment.
From homes small to large, new and old, Control4 delivers power and performance on one system that coordinates the technology in your house into complete, brilliant experiences—interactions that fit your lifestyle and are easy for your family to enjoy.
With one touch, dim the lights, stream high-resolution music, turn up the heat, lock the doors and arm the security system. Check in on cameras or see who’s ringing the doorbell—from wherever you are. It’s a smarter living experience that you’ll wonder how you ever lived without. Using the Lundix bridge users can now make use of their SPC system within the control environment.