Reset, a competent checking and contractor management system in the UK releases its Reset Access Mobile solution.
Revealed at the IHEEM (Healthcare Estates Annual Conference) in October, the Reset Access Mobile terminal is ideal for use in smaller buildings and dispersed estates which may be visited less frequently or lack mains electricity. Each Reset Access Mobile terminal is fully self-contained and, incorporating contactless technology requires no external data or power.
Reduce costs for clients
It enables contractors to log their arrivals, activities and departures at remotes estates premises, so clients can fulfil their duty which requires them to ensure, the contractors they allow onto their sites are competent to work safely.
Using Reset can substantially reduce costs for clients by eliminating the need to manually collect and maintain information from contractors"
Reset’s Managing Director Gary Duce says: “This is the latest technological development designed to make it even easier for organisations to manage contractors and monitor their activities at smaller premises and remote sites. Using Reset can substantially reduce costs for clients by eliminating the need to manually collect and maintain information from contractors.”
Arrival on site
Through Reset’s Virtual Card app, placing their smartphone close to a Reset’s Access Mobile terminal allows a contractor to:
- Log their arrival on site and enter what they will be doing
- State where they will be working and for whom
- On completion, log off-site
Reset’s services are used UK-wide by the public and private sectors – in the NHS, Education, housing, local government, construction and facilities management.
Readily accessible records
Clients can use Reset to verify contractors are competent and qualified to work on-site in compliance with health and safety legislation and Construction (Design and Management) Regulations – CDM 2015.
Gary Duce continues: “All clients and organisations engaging contractors have a legal and moral duty to ensure that they are competent to carry out their duties safely, before setting them to work. Our technology not only helps organisations to do this quickly and easily but also keeps readily accessible records to provide clear evidence of compliance.”