PSA Security Network (PSA), the globally renowned consortium of professional systems integrators, has announced the addition of Infrared Cameras Inc. (ICI) to its network. Infrared Cameras Inc. is an innovator in the infrared products space with a line of thermal cameras as well as multi-spectral infrared cameras and complete package systems.
“The COVID-19 pandemic forced an unprecedented acceleration in demand for thermal monitoring devices,” said Bill Bozeman, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) at PSA Security Network, adding “PSA has been diligent in ensuring it selects top notch partners and products for our integrators to consider.”
ICI cameras
ICI cameras can be set up at entry points in all types of businesses to screen temperatures in less than two seconds
ICI cameras can be set up at entry points in all types of businesses to screen temperatures in less than two seconds. These temperature screenings are important as they allow users to identify anyone with an elevated temperature who might be potentially ill. This can prevent an illness like COVID-19 from spreading in workplaces and public spaces.
“ICI is looking forward to a long and prosperous partnership with PSA,” said Carl Schultz, Director of Channel Sales for Infrared Cameras Inc., adding “We’re thrilled to have the opportunity to help system integrators incorporate thermal imaging cameras into their platforms for safe, accurate, and immediate elevated body temperature screening."
Thermal imaging technology
He further said, “This is a critical aspect of the world’s new normal, and we’re proud to help businesses worldwide reopen in one of the safest and most health-conscious manners possible.”
The technology provided by ICI is currently being used in businesses such as airports, casinos, sports arenas, hospitals, factories and more. Its cameras are highly accurate to within a fraction (0.1 to 0.3 Celsius) of one degree Celsius and have had FDA clearance on temperature screeners since 2008.