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ProdataKey (PDK), manufacturer of the cloud access control platform built for mobile, releases a whitepaper that explores the differentiating features and distinct advantages of a Mobile First access control platform.

Built from the ground up with the needs of the mobile user foremost in mind, Mobile First platforms are designed with the mobile experience as the default method by which integrators, technicians, system administrators, managers, tenants, and employees engage with the system.

Expansive range of capabilities

The whitepaper examines what Mobile First means to each of these stakeholders by offering specific examples of how its anytime, anywhere access expands the platform's usability in numerous and sometimes unexpected ways.

Mobile First access control is conflated with more common mobile apps and mobile credentialing options

Too often, Mobile First access control is conflated with more common mobile apps and mobile credentialing options, which provide only partial mobile functionality. This whitepaper addresses the more expansive range of capabilities that Mobile First solutions support, such as simplified installation, proactive maintenance, customer support, integration flexibility, unlimited credentialing, greater productivity by system managers, and much more.

Access control projects

These Mobile First advantages are in addition to the obvious convenience and superior security obtained when encrypted credentials on mobile devices replace users' keys and fobs. “As security stakeholders increasingly demand a mobile component to their access control projects, it’s important for them to understand their options.”

They often mistakenly believe that mobile access control means nothing more than allowing employees and tenants to open doors. They deserve better. We hope that this whitepaper helps to clarify why, in a world in which mobile device use now exceeds computer use, it makes the most sense to consider access control solutions that are 100% designed for the small screen,” said Jeff Perri, President and COO of ProdataKey.

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