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ODSecurity will be launching globally, the next step in contraband detection – THEIA – the only full body scanner with automatic threat recognition software available on the market, at International Corrections and Prisons Association, in Orlando, Florida, from the 23 – 28 October 2022.

THEIA uses complex Artificial Intelligence (AI) Software, to automatically highlight and identifies anomalies in scan images, which will direct staff to potential contraband, thereby stopping contraband from entering, and improving the safety of the prison estates.

Contraband detection

THEIA is driven by machine learning algorithms. It has been trained on large collections of “negative” body scan images, i.e., images that are free of any contraband.

These scans have taught THEIA what a negative scan should look like, and it has learned therefore to recognise anything that should not be part of a full body scan and highlight the anomaly to the operator.

Improving overall safety 

The more data THEIA is exposed to, the more it learns, optimises, and grows in accuracy

The symbiotic relationship between the operators and THEIA reduces operator error and improves overall safety within the prisons and custodial estates.

An enormous benefit to using the machine learning and AI algorithms that makeup THEIA, is the software will continuously improve. The more data THEIA is exposed to, the more it learns, optimises, and grows in accuracy.

AI and machine learning

AI and machine learning are being increasingly used in our daily lives and have proven their value in many fields. Utilising this technology to reduce contraband from entering a facility fits into our core strategy, to improve safety for inmates, staff, and visitors,” said Joost Deutekom, Marketing Manager at ODSecurity.

I look forward to demonstrating the software and showing how this will improve your detection capabilities at ICPA in Florida.”

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