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The city of Arnhem has chosen Nedap to regulate vehicle flows and to provide a seamless vehicle access experience in its city centre. Due to the increase in the number of vehicles in the city centre, it was a challenge for Arnhem to ensure that the traffic flow runs smoothly and safely, to keep the historic and tourist centre accessible and livable.

Vehicle identification solutions

With the implementation of Nedap’s vehicle identification solutions, authorised vehicles and drivers can access the city in a safe and seamless way. The combination with Nedap’s MOOV City Access software ensures that vehicle access in the city centre easily can be regulated.

The city of Arnhem wants to regulate vehicle access to the centre and ensure only authorised vehicles can enter

The city of Arnhem is located in the east of the Netherlands. Because of the historical centre, cultural sights and a wide range of entertainment facilities, it is also an attractive city for tourists. To ensure that the city centre remains traffic and pedestrian friendly, the city of Arnhem wants to regulate vehicle access to the centre and ensure only authorised vehicles can enter.

MOOV City Access platform

By limiting traffic flows, the narrow streets in the historic centre of Arnhem turned into an attractive and safe public place for pedestrians and cyclists, creating a livable city.

The city of Arnhem has chosen Nedap for its MOOV City Access platform combined with its advanced solutions for automatic vehicle identification, based on long-range RFID (Radiofrequency Identification) and ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) technology.

Authorised vehicle access in specific zones

The solution is supplied and installed by Nedap’s partner - ST&D. Nedap’s MOOV City Access platform is implemented to control vehicle access in specific zones. With this, Arnhem ensures that only authorised vehicles can enter these zones and only if they have permission to do so.

With the implementation of RFID readers and ANPR cameras, vehicles can be identified from a long distance, ensuring automated and safe vehicle throughput. Nedap’s long-range RFID solution, TRANSIT will be used to ensure that local residents, emergency vehicles, licenced taxis and municipal services have easy access to the city centre, without compromising on safety.

TRANSIT long-range RFID solution

Authorised vehicles equipped with a RFID tag will have fast access at vehicle entrances

TRANSIT is a proven technology that enables highly secure identification and tracking of vehicles and drivers, up to a distance of 10 metres. Authorised vehicles equipped with a RFID tag will have fast access at vehicle entrances, without the need to stop.

The all-in-one licence plate camera, ANPR Lumo will grant access to vehicles based on their license plate number. Licence plate recognition is a perfect solution for specific user groups or situations, in which vehicles require access temporarily or incidentally to the city centre. For example, retail delivery trucks can be given access at pre-defined locations, assigned days and time zones, regulating vehicle access to the city by reason.

Digitisation of city access

By choosing and implementing Nedap’s MOOV City Access platform in combination with Nedap’s licence plate recognition solution, we have taken a major step in the further digitisation of our city access in Arnhem,” said Hans ten Barge, Chain Director Parking at the Municipality of Arnhem.

Nedap Identification Systems is a specialist in Automatic Vehicle Identification and Vehicle Access Control solutions, for over the past decades. Nedap has developed a unique portfolio of proven long-range RFID and ANPR solutions that enable seamless third-party system integration. Vehicles and drivers are identified automatically, securing a free-flow yet highly secure vehicle access experience.

MOOV City Access is Nedap’s vehicle access control solution, specifically designed for regulating vehicle flows in inner cities. MOOV’s hardware and software are compatible with Nedap’s RFID readers and ANPR cameras. This complete solution ensures a livable and safe city.

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