On April 20th 2022, Vagsheer was launched by the Defence Secretary of India, Dr. Ajay Kumar. Vagsheer is the last of the six P75 Scorpene submarine entirely built by the Indian shipyard - Mazagon Dock Shipbuilders Limited (MDL), based on years of successful technology transfer and partnership with Naval Group.
The Vagsheer is the last of the series of six Kalvari-class submarines ordered by India in 2005 to be launched. MDL teams will now have to complete the integration and setting to work of the equipment and machinery onboard before beginning the sea trials, including weapon and sensor trials.
Vagsheer, the sixth Indian Kalvari-class submarine
The launching of Vagsheer highlights the success of the indigenous submarine construction programme
The launching of Vagsheer highlights the success of the indigenous submarine construction programme of the Government of India. These submarines have been completely built by Mazagon Dock Shipbuilders Limited (MDL) through a transfer of technology from Naval Group, in line with Indian Government’s ‘Make in India’ policy.
The series of six submarines is fitted with a number of equipment built in India by qualified and highly trained industrial Micro, Small and Medium enterprises (MSMEs).
MDL and Naval Group partnership
MDL and Naval Group have developed a rich industrial ecosystem of more than 50 Indian companies and their future projects are not limited to submarines, thus contributing to industrial and technological sovereignty. These dedicated efforts resonate with the success of ‘Aatmanirbhar Bharat’ vision of the Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi.
Alain Guillou, the Executive Vice President (EVP) - International Development at Naval Group, said “We are proud of this successful cooperation with MDL and we stand by their side and are ready to assist for future projects.”
Moving towards an ‘Atmanirbhar’ naval defence industry
Alain Guillou adds, “We celebrate the success of ‘Make in India’ while moving towards a true sense of ‘Atmanirbhar’ naval defence industry. The success of this programme is collective and solely aimed at strengthening the Indian Navy. We value our long-term relation and collaboration with India and its navy and our teams are committed to keep on meeting their expectations.”
The Scorpene - modern and stealthy submarine
The Scorpene is a 2000-tons conventional submarine designed by Naval Group for all types of missions
The Scorpene is a 2000-tons conventional submarine designed by Naval Group for all types of missions, such as anti-surface warfare, anti-submarine warfare, long-range strikes, special operations or intelligence gathering.
Extremely stealthy and fast, it has a level of operating automation that allows a limited number of crew, which reduces its operating costs significantly. Its combat edge is highlighted by the fact that it has 6 weapon launching tubes, 18 weapons (torpedoes, missiles).
Key reference of conventional attack submarines for navies
With 14 submarines sold around the world, the Scorpene is a key reference of conventional attack submarines (SSK) for navies around the world. It can be easily adapted to specific requirements of customers and the continuous improvement of the Scorpene ensures the seamless integration of the latest technology onboard.
Naval Group, a long-term partner of India
Naval Group is present in India through its 100% subsidiary Naval Group India. Established in September 2008, Naval Group India’s mission has been to support the indigenisation of equipment for Scorpene submarine, to develop the Indian defence eco-system, as well as to develop design services in India with talented Indian engineers.
Naval Group India endeavours to be a visionary and to further its involvement in empowering more industries by creating a robust eco-system that can cater to the varied defence needs of the country.