HID Global, a globally renowned company in trusted identity solutions, has announced that it has delivered re-designed ePassport booklet and document issuance software to Estonia’s Police and Border Guard Board (PPA).
The European country, known worldwide as a pioneer of electronic identity and services, recently issued the new passport booklet, making it possible for citizens renewing their travel documents to receive the new ePassport.
Technical ePassport specifications
“HID is proud to meet the rigorous quality and technical ePassport specifications required by the government of Estonia, which is widely renowned for providing high-calibre electronic identity documents and services to its citizens,” said Craig Sandness, Senior Vice President and Head of Secure Issuance and Citizen ID Solutions at HID Global.
Craig Sandness adds, “The new booklets and supporting software solution simultaneously enhance the country’s ePassport document with industry-leading security features, while capturing the essence of Estonia’s national identity.”
Identity protection and fraud detection
Document holders benefit from various forward-looking features included in Estonia’s unique and improved ePassport
Document holders benefit from various forward-looking features included in Estonia’s unique and improved ePassport. The document’s polycarbonate datapage incorporates optically variable inks, two laser images and a window in the shape of Estonia for strong protection against fraud.
Additional visual components that reflect the country’s identity include visa pages that showcase six native animals found in Estonia’s natural habitats and UV and embossed features that depict the local climate.
ePassport booklet
“Estonia took a significant step forward with the new passport project, introducing the identity document which binds the history, present and future of Estonia as a cohesive design and tells the story of Estonia in the world,” said Eliisa Sau, Chief Expert of the PPA Identity and Status Bureau.
Eliisa Sau adds, “With the project not only was the design changed, but the first ever polycarbonate datapage was introduced together with new technology and semi-automated personalisation process.”
HID inventory software module
HID’s personalisation and quality assurance software modules seamlessly integrate into Estonia’s existing issuance system and enable polycarbonate datapage personalisation, secure chip encoding, encryption, and help ensure the condition of the ePassports.
For additional security, the PPA is able to track each booklet from the manufacturing facility to the conclusion of the personalisation process, with HID’s inventory software module. The Estonian government issues seven types of travel documents to citizens that are valid for up to 10 years.