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Residents heard the reports and decided to install a Flock Safety security camera that would protect against crimes like car break-ins and home theft.

Early one morning after the camera was installed; someone broke into two cars in that neighbourhood, stealing several valuable items. When residents awoke, they found their personal belongings missing and their cars ransacked. There were no eyewitnesses to the crime, but the victims had a timeframe between 12:30 and 5 a.m.

The solution: a camera that sees the whole story of a crime.

License plate reader cameras

Using Flock’s camera footage search, residents found that a vehicle had entered the neighbourhood for the first time While neighbours didn’t witness the theft, their Flock Safety license plate reader cameras did.

The Flock camera system was able to capture key details that would aid the neighbourhood in handing over concrete evidence to local police. Flock allows users to narrow down their search of the footage based on date, time, vehicle type, colour, and license plate number. It also has the ability to show how many times a vehicle has passed by the camera, thus easily funnelling out residents.

Preventing car break-ins

Using Flock’s camera footage search, residents found that a vehicle had entered the neighbourhood for the first time during 12:30 and 5 a.m. when they knew the car theft occurred.

With this information, residents were able to work with the police to report the break-ins and hand them objective evidence. After this success, residents put together a community outreach notice to ensure additional security measures to promote neighbourhood safety. Several more residents even registered their vehicle license plates on the Flock Safety Safelist, which allowed the search to distinguish between “Resident” and “Non-Resident.”

Flock Safety helped this neighbourhood set the course to prevent car break-ins in the future by providing evidence in a case that would have otherwise gone unsolved.

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