Exabeam, the globally renowned Smarter SIEM and security solutions company, has been named a leader in three categories in KuppingerCole’s first Leadership Compass for Security Orchestration Automation and Response (SOAR).
Leadership Compass for SOAR
KuppingerCole’s Leadership Compass for SOAR report delivers a comprehensive analysis of the SOAR market, including real-world considerations for planning and deploying SOAR products. It includes an evaluation of 11 vendors in the space, looking at product and service functionality, relative market share and innovative approaches to providing SOAR solutions.
Exabeam was named a leader in three categories:
- Overall Leader - Products in this category show a high degree of completeness, innovation and market share in this evolving and growing field.
- Product Leader - Vendors in this category are those demonstrating functional strength and completeness of services.
- Innovation Leader - Winners in this category are those that take a customer-oriented upgrade approach, delivering customer-requested and other cutting-edge features, while maintaining compatibility with previous versions.
SOAR products are the latest iteration of incident response platforms
John Tolbert, Lead Analyst and Managing Director at KuppingerCole and author of the report commented, “Security Orchestration, Automation and Response (SOAR) products are the latest iteration of incident response platforms. Although still a relatively new offering, they are quickly proving their value in terms of reducing risk, improving response times and providing accurate decision support to often over-stretched security analysts.”
2020 Cybersecurity Professionals Salary, Skills and Stress Survey
In fact, Exabeam’s newly released 2020 Cybersecurity Professionals Salary, Skills and Stress Survey supports this value statement. According to the study, 86 percent of respondents believe SOAR technology can help security analysts improve SOC response times.
Nir Polak, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) at Exabeam, said “We’re pleased to be recognised as a leader in KuppingerCole’s inaugural Leadership Compass for SOAR. The fact that this trusted research firm expects full-featured SOAR products to serve as comprehensive and extensible security analytics platforms for SOCs underlines that Exabeam’s strategy is aligned with the needs of modern security teams.”
Mr. Tolbert concluded, “The Exabeam Security Management Platform exceeds expectations in terms of SOAR features and should be near the top of any organisation’s SOAR RFP list.”