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BlueVoyant, a global expert-driven cyber security services company announced that it has been selected by DarkOwl, providers of one of the world’s largest index of DarkNet content, to deliver a tailored and comprehensive Managed Security Service. BlueVoyant will provide its advanced Managed Detection and Response (MDR+) capabilities, including support from its team of skilled intelligence analysts and security experts, to protect endpoints, detect intrusion and defend against the latest and most sophisticated security threats.

Protecting critical assets

DarkOwl enables organisations to safely search a dataset of darknet content. Its Vision API enables its data to be directly integrated into a client’s native platforms, while its DarkINT risk scores simplify risk management based on the organisation’s darknet footprint. Monitoring and alerting enable clients to quickly discover breached material appearing on the darknet.

Monitoring and alerting enable clients to quickly discover breached material appearing on the darknet

As an expert in analysing the cyber threat landscape, DarkOwl was looking for a security solution that goes beyond the current patchwork of point products and is instead modelled directly on the company’s unique data and activities, as Mark Turnage, CEO of DarkOwl, explains, “The threat landscape continues outpacing threat defense and it has become obvious that the existing model for protecting critical assets, end-users and endpoints is flawed."

Customised threat response

Instead of choosing yet another partial solution that can only determine threat and compromise based on triggered rulesets or known patterns of behaviour, we chose BlueVoyant’s MDR+ approach to get ahead of the curve. By modelling its service on our data and the output of our activities BlueVoyant is able to detect issues and compromise much earlier.”

BlueVoyant’s Managed Detection and Response (MDR+) provides real-time and customised threat response and remediation - terminating malicious processes, isolating devices, and manually preventing persistence and lateral movement associated with sophisticated attacks. BlueVoyant incorporates client-driven rules of engagement (ROE) enabling immediate, decisive action to stop threats that could cripple a network versus non-critical events where a lower-tiered response may be appropriate.

Comprehensive threat data analytics

The service combines an expert team, comprehensive threat data analytics, and advanced technology solutions to deliver remote endpoint monitoring and protection, threat detection, and incident remediation.

BlueVoyant MDR+ includes:

  • 24/7/365 detection and response support by expert analysts with over 200 years of collective Security Operations and Threat Hunting experience who operate across multiple global locations
  • Detection and blocking of malware, ransomware, zero-days, non-malware and file-less attacks
  • Remote endpoint incident investigation and remediation led by BlueVoyant’s security operations specialists.

Support from highly skilled cybersecurity professionals to lift the burden from in-house teams was a key factor in DarkOwl’s decision to select BlueVoyant, as Mark Turnage explains: “Running this program ourselves is not a possibility and would deplete far too many resources from our core business, DarkNet Intelligence. We appreciate BlueVoyant’s ongoing model and execution of selecting and hiring the best-of-breed and most experienced staff.”

Cyber threat landscape

Mark continues: “DarkOwl was looking for best-in-class managed Endpoint Security and Threat/Compromise Detection and Response capabilities and found them in BlueVoyant. We see their services as remarkably robust and industry leading, and it made sense for DarkOwl to go with the best in the business.”

Jim Rosenthal, CEO, BlueVoyant comments: “The fast pace and complex evolution of the cyber threat landscape makes it hard for under-pressure internal teams to stay current with every emerging threat. The unrivalled knowledge and experience of our team, combined with our advanced technology and proprietary datasets, provides deep expertise and oversight that means clients like DarkOwl can be confident that their business is protected.”

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