Code Blue Corporation once again will be returning as a sponsor for National Campus Safety Awareness Month (NCSAM) in September.
During NCSAM, Clery Center will partner with colleges, universities and other organisations to provide professional development opportunities that address the background of certain campus safety areas and strategies for talking about those areas with campus community members.
Raising college campus awareness
“For more than 30 years, student safety has been at the core of Code Blue’s mission and it remains a top priority today,” Code Blue Director of Distribution Katie Petre said. “We are proud to continue our support of Clery Center and the vital work it does to raise awareness on college campuses around the nation.”
In 2018, more than 500 individuals from 409 colleges participated in NCSAM’s free webinar series
NCSAM was unanimously approved by Congress in 2008 to encourage a public conversation on important topics in violence prevention at the nation’s colleges and universities. In 2018, more than 500 individuals from 409 colleges participated in NCSAM’s free webinar series, with access to additional tools and resources.
Campus safety through education
Clery Center is a national non-profit organisation focused on promoting college and university campus safety through education, awareness, policy, and prevention initiatives. “This year’s theme of ‘Bridging the Gap’ focuses on connecting theory to practice in areas campuses often find confusing or challenging,” said Laura Egan, Clery Center Senior Director of Programs.
“Through providing subject matter experts across the field in our webinars and hands-on resources like our flowcharts and tools, Clery Center highlights the questions that need answers and provides applicable ways to put the answers into practice.”