WAVE Electronics, Inc. News

Nortek Security & Control’s GoControl smart home automation portfolio to be displayed at CEDIA Expo in Dallas

Nortek’s GoControl offers security and convenience with a full line of wireless home control products As security providers and custom installers expand their product lines to include home automation devices, Nortek Security & Control LLC, a Nortek Company, introduces the new GoControl® smart home portfolio that brings added safety, security and convenience to the smart home with a full line of wireless home control products. GoControl devices work seamlessly wit...

Security Partners and WAVE Electronics introduce 4-Star program

The program between two companies gives security dealers profit advantage for products purchased from WAVE Electronics Security Partners and WAVE Electronics recently announced the introduction of the “4-Star Program,” a collaborative rebate program between the two companies that gives security dealers a profit advantage for products purchased from WAVE Electronics with monitoring services from Security Partners. “We are always looking to develop long-term s...

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What is the most significant challenge facing smart building security today?