Skyguard Ltd News

Skyguard announces distribution agreement with VSG to provide lone worker protection across the UK and Ireland

Organisations purchasing the service via VSG will also have full access to Skyguard’s Customer Service Centre Skyguard, Europe’s premier personal safety service, is pleased to announce a distribution agreement with VSG in providing lone worker protection across the UK and Ireland. Skyguard will supply personal safety devices, mobile phone software and client administration tools to link directly with VSG’s 24 hr. manned alarm receiving centre. VSG is one of...

Muir group chooses Skyguard’s MySOS personal safety device to protect its lone workers

Skyguard's MySOS Personal Saftey Devices will be issued to thousands of Muir Groups' staff Muir Group has turned to Skyguard to help protect their frontline lone working staff by issuing them each with the MySOS – Europe’s smallest personal safety device. The MySOS, accredited to the Association of Chief Police Officer’s ‘Secured by Design’ certification,  provides the housing association’s lone workers reassurance knowing they can rais...

Skyguard’s MySOS personal safety devices to protect Solent NHS Trust’s lone working staff

Skyguard were awarded the contract to supply over 700 MySOS personal safety devices to the Trust Solent NHS Trust has chosen Skyguard to protect 700 of their lone working staff, after conducting a thorough OJEU tender process. The Trust provides specialist community and mental health services to local people, principally in the Portsmouth and Southampton area with some services reaching across a wider part of Hampshire. Due to the nature of the services provided there is a si...

Skyguard’s MySOS selected to protect lone working staff at Guy’s and St. Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust hospitals

Skyguard’s MySOS device was chosen due to its GPS technology, which sends alarm location during an emergency Based in central London, Guy’s and St. Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust comprises two of the largest hospitals in the UK, employing over 13,000 staff. In April 2011, the Trust took over responsibility for the provision of community services in Lambeth and Southwark. As a result of this transfer, the Trust ‘inherited’ 471 personal safety devices...

Skyguard’s Alarm Receiving Centre in the UK awarded "Secured by Design" accreditation

This accreditation complements Secured by Design approval of Skyguard’s MySOS personal safety device earlier this year Skyguard– Europe’s premier personal safety service for lone workers, has become the first Alarm Receiving Centre in the UK to be awarded the prestigious "Secured by Design" accreditation. Based in Surrey, Skyguard’s Incident Management Centre (IMC) is the first facility to have been audited to the "ARC for Lone Workers" product categor...

Skyguard launches MySOS Mandown, Europe's smallest personal safety device for lone workers

Skyguard – the premier personal safety service for lone workers and at risk individuals is pleased to announce the launch of MySOS Mandown – Europe’s smallest personal safety device fitted with a sensor which automatically raises an alarm to Skyguard’s Incident Management Centre in the event of a fall or sudden impact. Identical in design to the MySOS, the Mandown variant is equipped with all of the features of its predecessor, but comes complete with a Mandown sensor. T...

Skyguard launches version 2.0 of Customer Service Centre (CSC) to help protect lone working employees

CSC version 2.0 boasts over 100 new features and improvements over the existing portal Skyguard – Europe’s premier personal safety service for lone workers – are pleased to announce the launch of their new and improved Customer Service Centre (CSC) account management portal – providing clients with an unprecedented range of tools to help protect their lone working employees. The Customer Service Centre is instrumental in providing an efficient and...

Skyguard announce significant growth in 2012

Sales in 2012 were strongly driven by public sector markets, with client base expanding to local authorities The Directors of Skyguard are delighted to announce that the company has moved into profitability for the first time in its history. This important landmark has been achieved as a result of significant growth in 2012 which saw Skyguard more than double its number of subscribers. The board is delighted with this achievement which follows investment of several million...

Skyguard’s MySOS provides 24/7 protection to Team GB throughout the London 2012 Games

The SITC project gave UK companies the opportunity to showcase innovative technologies at the London 2012 games Skyguard are proud to announce that they provided 24/7 protection to Team GB throughout the London 2012 Games. Security staff and key personnel of Great Britain men’s and women’s football teams were issued MySOS personal safety devices to ensure protection wherever they were.  A gagging order which prevented businesses from promoting their involveme...

Skyguard’s MySOS personal safety device awarded ACPO's ‘Secured by Design’ accreditation

MySOS is also fully certified to all elements of BS 8484 and BS 5979, the standard for alarm receiving centres Skyguard, Europe’s premier personal safety service for lone workers and those at risk, has been awarded the prestigious ‘Secured by Design’ accreditation for its innovative MySOS personal safety device. The MySOS, exclusively developed by Skyguard, has met the extremely stringent specifications set by Secured by Design, the official UK initiative cr...

NHS Stockport turns to Skyguard for lone worker safety service

Skyguard allows an unlimited number of users to share a device NHS Stockport has adopted Skyguard’s lone worker safety service, replacing its existing Identicom solution purchased through a framework agreement. In 2009, NHS Trusts across England and Wales purchased personal alarms (in most cases, the Identicom i750*) for their lone working employees through a national framework agreement, which was part-funded by the government. However, funding was only for the first tw...

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