Seedonk News

Seedonk app offers management of Compro IP cameras on smartphones

  Compro Security IP cameras on your iPhone or Android with Seedonk iPhone/Android AppThe Seedonk iPhone/Android App lets you view and control your Compro IP cameras installed in your home, office, etc, right on your iPhone or Android phone. The app is an ideal way to check in on your home or office while on the go.Using this app, you will be able to access and manage multiple Compro cameras with a single user account, and not deal with any router configuration for your...

Compro showcases home and business smartConnect video surveillance technology at ISC West 2011

 Compro's SmartConnect is the ideal for consumers who want a user-friendly camera for the home and the small/medium business 2011 marks the second year of Compro's attendance at the ISC West show. Today, we are giving you a preview of one of Compro's major themes at the ISC West 2011 - smartConnect technology, featured on Compro IP series network cameras. Why smartConnect?One of the key obstacles to the wide-spread adoption of IP-based surveillance camera system is the often...

Compro and Seedonk collaborate to launch wireless network video monitoring cameras

 Compro Technology and Seedonk together launched the wireless network video monitoring camerasCompro Technology, a leading manufacturer of PC-TV, digital audio/video, and IP security products for the IT and consumer markets and Seedonk, a platform for viewing, managing and sharing camera feed over the Internet, announced a partnership that will provide consumers with the latest line of high-quality, high-definition wireless network cameras for video monitoring. The Compro wireless network c...

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