Security America Risk Retention Group News

Marshall Marinace: at the Helm of the Electronic Security Association

Marshall Marinace is on a mission - to continue to infuse value into ESA If you haven’t met Marshall Marinace, you probably will soon. He’s the new President of the Electronic Security Association (ESA), and he’s instantly likeable. He’s a homespun security dealer with decades of service who knows that the new world of systems integration requires change and involvement of every member at the association level. Marinace was sworn in as the 41st Preside...

ESA signs Sandler Training/Second Wind Advisory Group CEO as its speaker for 2015 ESA Leadership Summit

Rochelle Carrington joins Dan Schawbel and Patrick Thean on the speaker list for the Summit The Electronic Security Association (ESA) is proud to announce Rochelle Carrington, president and CEO of Sandler Training/Second Wind Advisory Group, has signed on as a speaker for the 2015 ESA Leadership Summit. Carrington joins Dan Schawbel and Patrick Thean on the speaker list for the Summit, which is scheduled for Feb. 8-11 at the Pointe Hilton Tapatio Cliffs Resort in Phoenix, Ariz...

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