Polaroid Security Systems News

Alan Waxenberg joins Polaroid Professional Security Solutions as vice-president of sales and marketing

Waxenberg has experience in the areas of video surveillance solutions, video analytics and network security To create and direct strategic sales, marketing and alliance plans, 30-year security industry veteran Alan Waxenberg has joined PRD International, manufacturer of Polaroid Professional Security Solutions, as vice-president of sales and marketing. "Alan’s wealth of senior-level sales and marketing management experience will help drive our vision of becoming a majo...

Polaroid Security Systems selected as official provider of surveillance systems to Burger King stores

Burger King approved and selected the Polaroid line of CCTV surveillance systems to be used at all locations Upon completing an agreement, PRD International, manufacturer of Polaroid Professional Security Systems, has announced that it will be an official provider of surveillance systems to over 7,200 Burger King franchises. RSI (Retail Services, Inc.), the Burger King-owned provider of “approved goods and services” for all franchises, approved and selected the Pol...

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