Physical Security Interoperability Alliance News

GDSF Asia 2010 to educate on new technologies in IP surveillance

Global Digital Surveillance Forum highlights IP video trends, benefits and applicationsGlobal Digital Surveillance Forum (GDSF) highlights IP video trends, benefits and applications. The 9th GDSF Asia, held concurrently with SecuTech Expo 2010, brings together industry heavyweights from all over the world. Providing world-class education on IP surveillance, GDSF informs security professionals, market players and quality buyers about the changing security landscape. With a focus on IP convergence...

GDSF Asia 2010 hosts discussion on latest video standards in the surveillance industry

GDSF Asia 2010 unites the PSIA, ONVIF and HDcctv Alliance under one roof for unparalleled dialogueStandardisation is one of the hottest topics in video surveillance today. GDSF Asia 2010 unites the PSIA, ONVIF and HDcctv Alliance under one roof for unparalleled dialogue. Hear about the latest in video standards and interoperability on April 22.The panel discussion - "Video Surveillance 2.0: HD Standards and Challenges" - will be moderated by John Shih, Editorial Director of A&S mag...

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