PCS Security Ptd Ltd News

Secutech 2011 Thailand set to attract major players from the security and safety industry

  Secutech Thailand is part of Messe Frankfurt's global network of security trade fairs involving many companiesSecutech Thailand, set to become the leading trading platform for the security, fire and safety industries in Thailand, is attracting leading industry players to its upcoming show which will be held 30 June - 2 July 2011 at the Bangkok International Trade and Exhibition Centre.The annual show is organised by Messe Frankfurt New Era Business Media Ltd. and IPEX - International...

Introducing e-Passport control systems to combat terrorism and growing fears over immigration

Secure Design KK ("SDKK") in Tokyo, Japan, a leading fingerprint authentication company, announces a product lineup of e-Passport control systems with fingerprint authentication capability in collaboration with PCS Security Pte Ltd ("PCS") in Singapore.  Both companies renewed their business and technology alliances on 11 June 2007.After the 911 terrorist attacks, the US Department of Homeland Security stated that any traveller entering the US would be required to carry...

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