Pangea-IT Ltd. News

Pangea announces biometric smart card to certify COVID-19 free or with immunity

Israel’s Pangea, which specialises in digital transformation of government and business services, is putting efforts to reopen airports and facilitate travel in the age of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Herzliya-based company has devised an end-to-end platform that will enable countries to reopen their airports and the entry of tourists while at the same time protect their population from a resurgence of the virus. Biometric smart card The comprehensive solution would enable governments to i...

Pangea integrates thermal imaging cameras with biometric access control technology to meet evolving COVID-19 challenges

To limit the spread of COVID-19, many governments, municipalities and enterprises world-wide are introducing new health and safety measures to ensure that all entrants to public buildings are screened for above average temperatures. In response to these new measures, Pangea, a global supplier of digital identity and security solutions is announcing the integration of thermal imaging technology as part of its biometric access control and incident management solution. The thermal imaging technolo...

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