National Business Crime Solution (NBCS) News

NBCS celebrates successful year of Associate Membership scheme with prestigious security providers

National Business Crime Solution (NBCS), a not for profit initiative that enables the sharing of data between law enforcement agencies and the business community in order to reduce crime, is celebrating a successful first year for its Associate Membership scheme. NBCS recently welcomed Milestone Systems, Axis Communications, GMS Group, SmartWater and SWL Security as Associate Members, and these organisations join Mitie, CSL Group, Hikvision and Athelney Group as part of this pioneering initiativ...

NBCS’ second Members’ Day event to host Industry experts and law enforcement agencies

The National Business Crime Solution (NBCS), a not-for-profit initiative that enables the sharing of data between law enforcement agencies and the business community to reduce crime, is continuing from the inaugural success of its first Members’ Day in January with a second Members’ Day on Wednesday 21st March 2018.  The event will take place at Trent Vineyard, Nottingham. The theme of the day is ‘Managing Current Business Crime Risks’ Managing current business cri...

NBCS implements Operation BIRD crime-prevention solution at London's Westfield Shopping Centre

National Business Crime Solution (NBCS), a not-for-profit organisation that enables the sharing of data between law enforcement agencies and the business community in order to reduce crime, is celebrating the success of the very first Business Impact Reduction Day (BIRD)—also known as Operation BIRD—an industry-led initiative that is designed to target and manage the effect of business related crime activity. Police-assisted retail surveillance The initial exercise took place at We...

NBCS Consultancy launched to offer law enforcement agencies with security management service

National Business Crime Solution (NBCS), a not-for-profit organisation that enables the sharing of data between law enforcement agencies and the business community in order to reduce crime, has announced the introduction of a new consultancy service. NBCS Consultancy is specifically designed to help members and non-members alike configure effective security strategies, implement risk based deployment, address loss prevention and online fraud, and deliver effective policy and stakeholder manageme...

NBCS launches Associate Membership scheme for security solutions providers

National Business Crime Solution (NBCS), a not for profit initiative that enables the sharing of data between law enforcement agencies and the business community in order to reduce crime, is due to launch a new Associate Membership scheme specifically targeted at member suppliers. The new scheme will launch with a series of one-day member events will bridge the gap between risk management providers and end users. Meeting relevant risk management providers The brainchild of its new managing dir...

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