Matterhorn Consulting LLC News

Threat Extinguisher joins Matterhorn Consulting to reduce fatalities in violent scenarios

Threat Extinguisher, a Columbus, Ohio based innovator of a patented, innovative, non-lethal active shooter violence solution, has partnered with Paul Boucherle CPP CSC, founder of Matterhorn Consulting, LLC, to continue guiding their growth. Sam Fasone shared their core mission, "Our passion is saving lives in situations of extreme violence by providing an effective means of communication and defensive solution to the average person during highly stressful events. We have implemented our soluti...

PSA Security Network to host an education track with sessions during ISC West 2019

PSA the systems integrator consortium, announces it will host an education track with sessions during ISC West in Las Vegas, NV on April 9-11, 2019. The PSA education track will be held exclusively on Tuesday, April 9. Members of PSA Committees, PSA executive leadership team, and other industry experts will lead the six sessions that are included in the PSA Track. The sessions being offered will include: The Emerging Leader: The Change Agent in the Security Industry April 09, 2019, 8:30 AM -...

SalesMarines programme to enable PSA members hire military veterans

PSA announced a partnership with Matterhorn Consulting to enable PSA members to hire their next generation talent from military veterans who have served our country. As part of PSA’s Business Solutions program, Matterhorn Consulting has provided PSA with experienced consulting, thought leadership and training content for the last 14 years. Military veteran employment opportunities The Veteran Hiring Program, SalesMarines, is a new service from Matterhorn Consulting that helps veterans fr...

PSA Security Network announces 2-day education track line-up during ISC West 2017

Focus areas include cybersecurity, marketing, leadership, RMR, project management, and technical topics PSA Security Network, an electronic security cooperative, announced it will host an ISC West 2017 education track with sessions and a workshop during ISC West in Las Vegas, Nevada, April 4-5, 2017. Various PSA Committee members, staff, and other industry experts will lead the eight sessions that are included in the PSA Track. Focus areas include cybersecurity, marketing, le...

PSA TEC 2016: PSA Security announces new sessions and lineup of industry expert speakers

In addition to new sessions on cyber security and robotics, PSA has also announced various speaker lineups PSA Security Network, the world’s largest electronic security cooperative, recently announced the addition of several new sessions and the lineup of key industry experts slated to speak at PSA TEC 2016 to be held in Westminster, CO on May 9-12, 2016. New sessions that have been added to the schedule for Thursday, May 12 in recent weeks include: Robotic Technolo...

PSA Security to host education track at ISC West 2016 and cybersecurity sessions at Connected Security Expo in Las Vegas

The PSA track at ISC West will cover best practices in systems integration, risk management, video analytics trends PSA Security Network®, the world’s largest electronic security cooperative, recently announced it will host an education track at ISC West 2016 and cybersecurity sessions at the Connected Security Expo @ ISC West in Las Vegas, NV. The PSA track at ISC West will feature a full day of training sessions on April 5, 2016 covering best practices in systems...

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