Malaysia to implement effective strategies to improve prison security and design

Prisons and Correctional Facilities Asia 2012 will discuss issues like prison overcrowding and security As overcrowding in Asian prisons continues to remain a challenge for prison officials, the Prison Department of Malaysia is stepping up its efforts to address this issue by employing and implementing effective strategies. In conjunction with IQPC Worldwide, the Prison Department of Malaysia will be launching the 2nd Annual Prisons and Correctional Facilities Asia 2012 in Ku...

Airport Security Asia 2012 to discuss aviation security solutions post 9/11

 Airport Security Asia 2012 will discuss security related issues post 9/11 If aviation security personnel fail to pay attention to the experiences or make too quick an evaluation, a terrorist attack the magnitude of 9/11 could happen again, says Subagiyo Basiran, General Manager, at Jakarta's Soekarno - Hatta International Airport. "What we have to do is we have to think and think out of the box. We have to go a little bit further away from the security matter. I thought that 9/11 woul...

Asia’s energy infrastructure security to get an upgrade with crisis in Japan and Middle East

 Post earthquake nuclear havoc has alarmed energy infrastructure security considerations in Asian region  Japan's nuclear disaster and instabilities in the Middle East are forcing countries to reconsider their energy infrastructure security options, according to Nazrey Khalid, Senior Research Fellow for the Maritime Institute of Malaysia. Japan's nuclear disaster and the Middle East instabilities are bringing about a dynamic change in the global energy marketplace, forc...

Prisons & Correctional Facilities Asia 2011 to focus on prison security and safety

 Prisons and Correctional Facilities Asia 2011 will focus on ways to enhance security and safety in prisonsBecause of a rising inmate population in Asia, with existing obsolete prison security infrastructure, and an increasing need for better design and planning of prison facilities for rehabilitation programmes, there is a growing concern to ensure the future growth and safety of our prisons and correctional facilities. Failure to address these needs would compromise the safety and effecti...

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