Hyperproof News

What will be the big news for security in 2025?

2025 is likely to see further advancements in artificial intelligence, with potential impacts on various aspects of society, including the security industry. The new year will also require security professionals to adapt to changing market conditions and develop contingency plans for unforeseen events. Industry changes will accelerate and challenge everyone in the security market to keep up. Making specific predictions for the new year can be a struggle, but we asked our Expert Panel Roundtable:...

How can the industry do a better job of promoting emerging technologies in physical security environments?

By all accounts, technology development is moving at a rapid pace in today's markets, including the physical security industry. However, market uptake of the newest technologies may lag, whether because of a lack of clear communication or not enough education of potential customers. We asked this week's Expert Panel Roundtable: How can the industry do a better job of promoting emerging technologies in physical security environments?

How are wearable technologies impacting the security market?

The most common wearable device deployed by security professionals is the body-worn camera. Traditionally used by law enforcement professionals, these devices are finding more and more uses in the corporate security world, and even impacting issues such as customer service. However, the term “wearables” also encompasses a range of other devices, including many worn by consumers. We asked this week’s Expert Panel Roundtable: How are wearable technologies impacting the security m...

What are the benefits, and drawbacks, of AI in security?

Suddenly, artificial intelligence (AI) is everywhere. The smart technology brings a range of benefits to our lives, from streamlining everyday tasks to making scientific breakthroughs. The advantages of AI and machine learning (ML) also include automating repetitive tasks, analysing vast amounts of data, and minimising human error. But how do these benefits apply to the physical security industry, and is there a downside? We asked this week’s Expert Panel Roundtable: What are the benefits,...

What are the biggest ethical considerations of security technology?

Technology can be a powerful tool, but it can also be misused. Ethical principles help ensure that technology is used in a way that minimises risks and avoids causing harm to people or society. Issues could include factors such as data privacy and algorithmic bias of certain technologies. As the security industry embraces advanced and evolving technologies, we asked this week’s Expert Panel Roundtable: What are the biggest ethical considerations of using emerging technologies in physical s...

What will be the biggest surprise for security in 2024?

As the new year dawns, it's a good time for the security industry to look ahead to 2024. We asked this week's Expert Panel Roundtable: What will be the biggest surprise for security in the year ahead? 

How are data analytics changing the course of security?

For many years, security systems produced their share of "data exhaust." Every access control action and each video image became a data point to be stored in perpetuity, with no practical way to use the data. More recently, systems have been developed to enable organizations to analyze data from sensors and other connected devices to gain valuable insights into how their systems are being used, to identify potential vulnerabilities; and even to provide insights into broader enterprise operations...

The job of security director is expanding: How does it impact technology?

An organisation’s security director manages a staff of security personnel, implements and enforces security policies and procedures, and generally ensures the safety of personnel and visitors to the organisation’s premises. Over the years, the role of security director has expanded to include new disciplines such as cybersecurity. More and more, security directors are also taking a “seat at the table” as integral and critical members of a company’s management team....

What will likely be the most important technology development in the security marketplace in the second half of 2023?

Time flies in the busy world of security, so it’s no surprise that the midpoint of 2023 comes before know it. Let’s pause after the first half of the year to look ahead at what can expect during the second half (Hint: It’s all about AI). We asked this week’s Expert Panel Roundtable: What will likely be the most important technology development in the security marketplace in the second half of 2023?

How does risk influence buying decisions for security?

Risk is a core concept in the practice of physical security. However, the risk is not always assessed effectively. Ideally, an organisation's appetite for risk guides its security strategy and action planning to the minutest detail, including buying decisions for security equipment and systems. We asked this week's Expert Panel Roundtable: How does the concept of risk influence buying decisions in the security market?  

What’s new in cybersecurity for physical security systems?

A sad irony in the physical security industry has been the lax attention paid historically to the cybersecurity elements of our industry’s systems. However, the picture has improved starkly in recent years as manufacturers have stepped up to meet the cybersecurity challenges and awareness of the issue has become much higher. We asked this week’s Expert Panel Roundtable: What's new in cybersecurity for physical security systems?

What is the largest risk to critical infrastructure in 2023?

Some systems and assets are so vital that their incapacity or destruction would have a debilitating impact on security, economic security, public health or safety, or any combination of those factors. This so-called critical infrastructure has historically faced many complex threats. In 2023, we can add growing concerns about cybersecurity to the mix. We asked this week’s Expert Panel Roundtable: What is the largest risk to critical infrastructure in 2023? How can we address it?

What will be the biggest surprise for security in 2023

Like any year, 2022 was full of surprises for the physical security industry. Adapting to supply chain shortages, lightning-fast technology development, and changing occupancy patterns in a shifting labor market were just a few of the factors that kept security professionals guessing in 2022. Wonder what the new year will hold? We asked this week’s Expert Panel Roundtable: What will be the biggest surprise for security in the year ahead (2023)?

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Which AI-powered capability will dominate in the years ahead?