Haystax Technology News

Milestone Systems: Houston advances smart city initiative with security integrations at living lab

Located in downtown Houston, Texas, USA, at the George R. Brown Convention Center (GRB), the Houston Living Lab (HLL) serves as a testing ground for city departments and partners to test and validate new technology. In 2017, the Houston First Corporation (HFC) established the lab following a successful collaboration with Milestone Systems and several other security manufacturers to rapidly deploy video technologies for nearly one million attendees at the Super Bowl Live festival. Now HLL devel...

How can software identify active shooter risks before they become threats?

As a society, we have been studying crime for years, with an eye to prevention. Now that mass shootings have seized our attention, experts have begun studying this particularly violent crime, again with an eye to prevention.   “Our view is that inside a large enterprise — a corporation or government agency — anyone can be the risk you may face someday,” says Bryan Ware, CEO of McLean, Virginia-based Haystax Technology, a business that identifies risks b...

Haystax updates Constellation for Incident Management platform with added functionality and deeper app-to-app integration

Constellation for Incident Management pulls out the highest priority threat signals and presents them in an easily-digestible format Haystax Technology, a provider of advanced security analytics and risk-management solutions, announced recently it has released an updated version of its Constellation for Incident Management platform. The core Constellation system is already used by numerous state and local agencies and private enterprises nationwide, and the update delivers add...

FirstNet requests proposals for hack-resistant public safety network for first responders

FirstNet’s network would provide dedicated support to law enforcement on the scene not only from a local standpoint, but from a Federal standpoint as well Someday in the not-too-distant future, first responders – from police to EMS will have access to a secure broadband network. It will keep them connected with other agencies while ensuring their data is protected even in the midst of natural and manmade disasters.   At least that’s the idea behind the...

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