Cias Elettronica Srl News

CIAS perimeter security manufacture announces expanded operations in the Americas

CIAS Security, a global manufacturer of physical perimeter security systems based in Italy, announced the company's extended expansion into North America and Latin America to provide a full-time on-the-ground presence in priority geographic and vertical markets. Full-time presence in USA “While we have been exporting our systems into the United States for the past 14 years, we felt the need for a full-time presence in these very important markets,” sai...

CIAS perimeter security manufacturer offers ideal solution for air traffic controllers

CIAS, an Italy-based manufacturer of perimeter security and safety systems (with operations in Miami, FL) has introduced a solution for the aviation industry, specifically air traffic controllers, to reduce or eliminate the high incidence of airport runway incursions. A runway incursion, as defined by the Federal Aviation Administration, is an incident that, while not causing fatalities, is described as a “near miss” by the journal, Business Traveler (May 15, 2023). The FA...

Milestone XProtect Expert 2016 VMS enhances security at Holmsheidi Prison in Reykjavik, Iceland

Milestone XProtect Expert 2016 enables the prison staff to proactively respond to potential incidents Milestone Systems, the open platform company in network video management software (VMS), has joined forces with Security Center (Öryggismiðstöðin) and Verkís to provide an advanced security solution for Holmsheidi Prison in Reykjavik, Iceland. The solution combines Milestone XProtect Expert 2016 with CIAS fence and microwave detection systems. Complet...

Milestone XProtect and Videotec cameras guarantee total protection at 9.4 MW solar farm in Italy

“The more critical the environment to be protected, the higher the levels of protection and reaction speeds required. This is why we decided to focus on the integration of different technologies on one single platform to guarantee maximum safety and significant scale economies”– Claudio Toaldo – Owner of Sicurtel Requirements Having now completed the construction of a 9.4 megawatt solar farm in the province of Turin, the company turned to address the problem of guarante...

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