When technology giant Olympus Osyris developed in conjunction with the UK National Health Service an integrated suite of component modules for improving blood transfusion safety, they turned to Alpro to provide electronic locking to store and track the units of blood.

The system known as "Bloodtrak" ensures the right blood is given to the right patient and has been proven in hospitals around the world.  Each fridge and blood safe is locked by an Alpro cabinet lock and each hospital generally uses 4-6 storage units.  Blood transfusion is a complex process and is fraught with opportunities for potential error.  By using Alpro cabinet locks, the blood is electronically locked away and when blood units are required can be traced from source at the touch of a button.

Richard Dee, Commercial Operations, Olympus UK, said, "The Alpro product is a perfect product for us because of its size, robustness and standards approvals (CE-BSEN 50081-1 and BSEN 50082-1), plus the price is good."

Another example of Alpro working in conjunction with customers and suppliers alike to find innovative solutions to serious problems.

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