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Connexion2 supplies over 900 award-winning Identicom devices
The Identicom device allows users to discreetly raise a 'Red Alert' if they feel unsafe

Family Mosaic, one of the largest providers of homes and supported housing services in London, Essex and Sussex, has implemented over 900 award-winning Identicom devices to protect lone working staff. Connexion2, manufacturer of Identicom, was awarded the contract through a robust and competitive tender process in May 2012. 

Family Mosaic has been a customer of Connexion2’s Identicom and its best of breed protection service, SoloProtect, for over four years.  The recent tender was announced at a time of expansion and acquisition by Family Mosaic, which took the opportunity to re-examine lone worker solutions and technologies that were available on the market.  Following the detailed tender process, Family Mosaic once again decided on Identicom, through SoloProtect, as the Housing Association’s employees felt secure using the device and were familiar and happy with the service and support provided by Connexion2 and the SoloProtect customer support team.

Family Mosaic’s Group Health and Safety Advisor, Russ Bower, stated: “As a company that takes the safety of our lone working staff very seriously, we are delighted to have renewed our relationship with Connexion2. Having gone back to the market recently, we found that no other supplier can compete with SoloProtect on price, service or support.”

Family Mosaic provides homes, housing services, care and support and sheltered schemes to around 45,000 people in 20,000 homes.  The Housing Association also provides a range of support services to tenants and vulnerable adults including those with mental health problems.

“As a company that takes the safety of our lone working staff very seriously, we are delighted to have renewed our relationship with Connexion2..."

Family Mosaic wanted to continue to ensure that its staff had the ability to assess risk and discreetly raise an alarm if necessary when working alone in the community. The Housing Association’s support staff work closely with young people leaving care, former rough sleepers and people with brain injuries, both in sheltered schemes and out in the community. Both Identicom and Identicom mobile devices have been provided to Family Mosaic lone worker employees to protect them in all aspects of lone working, recognising that users have varying degrees of risk.

All Connexion2’s SoloProtect solutions are BS8484 approved, guaranteeing a Police escalation, one level above a 999 call, where appropriate. Included in the solution is the Identicom device, inclusive billing, 24/7 manned monitoring, SIM card, mobile network usage, device training and monthly reporting.

The Identicom device provided by Connexion2 allows users to discreetly raise a ‘Red Alert’ if they feel unsafe or if their safety is compromised. The alert goes through to an approved Alarm Receiving Centre (ARC), where a dedicated member of the lone worker team can listen to and assess the situation and escalate to a Police response if necessary. In the event of a verbal confrontation, the ARC can record the conversation, which can then be admissible in court if required.

When an employee feels they are entering a hazardous situation, they can activate an ‘Amber Alert’, leaving important location information, which can then be accessed by the ARC in the event of a ‘Red Alert’ being raised.

Identicom was the first lone worker device to be awarded ‘Secured by Design’ status by the Association of Chief Police Officers for England, Wales and Northern Ireland.

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