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SoloProtect is lone worker safety solution provided by Connexion2, o?ering Identicom device, 24/7 manned monitoring and mobile network usage
CCG purchased over 120 Identicom devices through the SoloProtect solution provided by Connexion2

Cartrefi Cymunedol Gwynedd (CCG), established in 2010, provides nearly 6,300 affordable homes and services to its tenants.

Employing over 280 staff, over 100 of which are lone workers, management reviewed a number of devices and solutions to help protect these workers.

In 2013, CCG signed a three year contract with Connexion2, to provide the BS8484 approved lone worker device, Identicom. Now with over 120,000 in circulation, and a market share of 80%, the device is the most widely used dedicated lone worker device in the U.K.

CCG is an independent not-for-profit organisation with over 100 lone workers. After an initial trial of the Identicom 877 devices with GPS, ‘Man Down’ and the added extra of the Mobile Workforce Management Platform (M.W.M.P.), CCG were so happy with the devices they purchased over 120 devices through the SoloProtect solution protecting job roles including Housing Management staff, Repairs and Maintenance team members, Occupational Therapists and Clerk of Works.

SoloProtect is the leading lone worker safety solution provided by Connexion2, offering the Identicom device, 24/7 manned monitoring, SIM card and mobile network usage, device training and monthly reporting as standard.

The solution is fully compliant with BS8484:2011, the British Standard for lone worker device services, and is the most efficient way to elicit a Police response in the U.K.

Cartrefi Cymunedol Gwynedd (CCG) protects workers with the Identicom 877 devices including functions such as GPS, and ‘Man Down’ detection for users suffering from environmental risks. The device automatically activates a ‘Red Alert’ if a user suffers a slip, trip or fall. CCG also uses the added feature of the Mobile Workforce Management Platform which provides greater safety benefits to the worker.

The platform proves a powerful tool to a lone worker manager through the ability to access comprehensive location data on individuals through GPS and GPRS technology.

The devices also come with the standard functionality of allowing a user to perform a ‘Status Check’, leave an ‘Amber Alert’ or raise a ‘Red Alert’, activated by a user who feels their safety is compromised, by pressing the large central button on the rear of the device. The alert is then monitored by a trained handler and can be escalated to a Police response if required.

“After trialling a number of lone worker solutions, the Identicom lone worker device proved most popular with both users and managers, offering peace of mind and value for money. The M.W.M.P feature allows our managers to easily locate staff, aiding in location specific tasks and workforce management.” Alan Thomas, CDM Co-ordinator, CCG

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